The prostate cancer and smoking link


By pH health care professionals

By now, it’s well-known that smoking has some serious health risks. One of them, for men, is prostate cancer. Fortunately, both the prostate cancer mortality and cigarette smoking rates have been declining in the U.S.

Part of the reason prostate cancer mortality rates have dropped may be due to earlier detection or better treatment when men are diagnosed or when the disease spreads. But is it possible that the drop in smoking is helping, too?

That’s the question that prompted a new Centers for Disease Control study, which has been peer-reviewed and published in Preventing Chronic Disease.

The CDC pulled data on state smoking prevalence, as well as mortality rates of prostate cancer and other causes, specifically for men aged 35 and up from California, Kentucky, Maryland and Utah.

Here’s what they found from 1999 to 2010:

· In California, smoking declined by 3.5% per year and prostate cancer mortality rates declined by 2.5% per year.

· In Kentucky, smoking declined by 3.0% per year and prostate cancer mortality rates declined by 3.5% per year.

· In Maryland, smoking declined by 3.0% per year and prostate cancer mortality rates declined by 3.5% per year.

· In Utah, smoking declined by 3.5% per year and prostate cancer mortality rates declined by 2.1% per year.

It appears that the declines in prostate cancer mortality rates run parallel with the prevalence of smoking, the CDC noted. In other words, if we can continue to encourage people to quit cigarette use, we may witness prostate cancer deaths continue to drop in number. It’s one way we can fight back against cancer.

Enjoy Your Healthy Life!

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