Happy Hour Isn’t So Happy Anymore. U.S. Surgeon General Calls for Cancer Warning Labels on Alcohol Products

If you pick up a pack of cigarettes, you cannot miss the label on the pack that clearly warns that the use of this product might cause cancer. What if the same were true if you picked up a bottle of wine or a six-pack of beer? Well, the U.S. surgeon general now wants warning labels on alcohol products.

‘Healthy drinking’ -- A myth you should take a shot at, not of

You already know that heavy drinking is bad, and that alcoholism is a killer. Breast cancer, a leading cause of death among women, grows faster with heavy alcohol consumption. Excessive drinking causes weight gain, damages the kidneys over time, dulls cognitive function (causing accidental injury of all types), depletes essential vitamins, and causes cellular damage to the delicate linings of the gut. The more you drink, the higher the risks for serious health issues.

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