COVID-19 is an evolving situation and we will continue to monitor it in real-time to ensure the proper safety precautions are being taken to protect your health. We are strictly following the CDC’s recommendations and adjusting operations to keep you safe and healthy. For those reasons, we have implemented new safety protocols at each of our locations.

pH Labs has recently installed an air purifying device inside our air conditioning system. When air passes over the device, ions produced by the device reduce pathogens, allergens, particles, smoke and odors in the air, creating a healthy environment without producing any harmful byproducts.
This air purification device uses patented technology, called needle-point bi-polar ionization, to create equal amounts of positive and negative ions. When these ions are injected into the air stream, they break down passing pollutants and gases into harmless compounds like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water vapor.

Face masks required + 6 feet apart.
Wearing a face mask is required while you are inside Proactive Health Labs locations.We also stress that while inside the facility that you maintain 6 ft. of distance between yourself and other clients. We will continue to ensure no more than 10 people inside the health center at any given time.
Temperature check.
We will be checking the temperature of all clients who enter into the facility. Staff members will also have their temperature checked before their shift.

Equipment sanitization + high touch surfaces.
We will also be frequently disinfecting high-touch surfaces with medical-grade cleaners which include doorknobs, handles, rails, light switches, sanitizing stations, bathrooms, sinks, toilets, benches, the front desk, keyboards, computers and phones. All IV therapy , cold therapy and cryotherapy equipment will be thoroughly sanitized after each client.

Hand sanitizer + disinfecting wipes.
As an additional measure of precaution we will have hand sanitizer stations available at all times. Disinfecting wipes will also be provided in the facility.