Beer and Baseball at Your Next BBQ? Not so Fast!

If you’re like 90 percent of Americans who are drinkers, you will likely be planning to enjoy your favorite distilled beverage while you are outdoors (especially now that it’s summer). And, according to research, the most popular venue by far for outdoor drinking is, hands down, the barbecue with a favorite vote of some 65 percent. The other 35 percent like imbibing at picnics, pool parties, summer festivals and outdoor concerts.

An alcohol-cancer link more people should know about

A drink after work, drinks with friends, drinks at yet another wedding -- it’s safe to say that there’s always an occasion to lift your glass. You know all about drinking responsibly, and you’d never dream of getting behind the wheel when you’re buzzed. But have you ever thought about the long-term consequences those drinks may have on your health?

‘Healthy drinking’ -- A myth you should take a shot at, not of

You already know that heavy drinking is bad, and that alcoholism is a killer. Breast cancer, a leading cause of death among women, grows faster with heavy alcohol consumption. Excessive drinking causes weight gain, damages the kidneys over time, dulls cognitive function (causing accidental injury of all types), depletes essential vitamins, and causes cellular damage to the delicate linings of the gut. The more you drink, the higher the risks for serious health issues.

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