5 Things Your Urine Says About Your Health

If you go to the doctor’s for a physical, you will likely be asked to provide a urine sample. Testing of the urine is called “urinalysis.” And as ‘unsexy’ as this topic is, this yellow fluid is your body’s liquid waste and can reveal a lot about your health.

Can You Actually Sweat Out Toxins?

In the morning perhaps after a night of overdoing it on the alcohol, you may hear someone say: “I’m going to go in the sauna or force myself to work out, so I can sweat out all the toxins.”

It’s time to kiss lead in lipsticks goodbye

Consumers and advocates have raised concerns over some of the ingredients in beauty products, like phthalates, parabens and, in the case of lipsticks, lead. It’s really become an issue where you as the consumer have to be proactive instead of relying on government agencies and regulations. That’s because overall, with the exception of coal-tar hair dyes, your cosmetics don’t need FDA approval to hit the shelves.

Why mercury is sinister

What is mercury? Other than being a silver liquid in dangerous old thermometers, mercury is a toxic metal occurring naturally in the earth. You may have heard phrases like “mercury toxicity,” making you wonder how mercury can hurt us. So, let’s find out what mercury does in our bodies.

Protect yourself against brain toxins

Almost everyone has heard the phrase “mad as a hatter,” but most people don’t know that it originated in 18th century England when hatters exposed to mercury salts literally went “mad” from the toxicity. Three centuries later, toxins in our homes and environment continue to be a threat to healthy brain function.

Can’t we all just detox?

Boxes containing body “cleanses” adorn the shelves at every health food store. They contain everything from fiber to green tea to milk thistle. They promise to make you feel like a new person by coaxing all the toxins out of your body into your bowel movement or urine.

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