Don’t Like The Cold? Wait Until You Try Cold Weather Exercise

2021 is in full swing. Of course, many of us have that very common New Year resolution: lose some weight and get in shape. If you are feeling discouraged because so many gyms across the country are still closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, I have some good news for you. A recent study found evidence which suggests that exercising in cold weather could burn more fat.

In Honor of Usain Bolt’s Birthday and Our Health, Let’s Run!

So, in honor of Bolt’s birthday, let’s run through (pun intended) how running may benefit our health. And, no, you do not have to be a world class sprinter or long distance runner.

Yes, Golf Is A Great Exercise - Especially In The Age Of COVID-19

With the threat of COVID-19, one of my favorite social distancing activities has been playing golf. It gives me the opportunity to get fresh air and sunlight (which is necessary for getting vitamin D, a very important nutrient that we all need to stay healthy). And although golf may not be as vigorous as perhaps running or cycling, it is still a good form of physical exercise. 

Hula Hoop Your Way To Good Health

Hula hooping is low-impact (so it’s easy on the knees and other joints), fun and only requires one easily storable piece of equipment - a hula hoop! You can hula hoop alone or start some friendly hula hooping competition with your kids, partner or spouse.

Four Big Reasons Why You Want a Strong Core

If you need some fitness inspiration in your life, a man named George Hood is your guy! Hood, a 62-year-old marine veteran, recently set a Guinness World Record by holding a plank for eight hours! (Eight hours, 15 minutes and 15 seconds, to be exact).

You Can’t Run From Your Problems, But You May Live Longer If You Run

How many hours would you say you work per week? And then if you have a desk job or a job that involves hours of sitting (such as trucking), as many Americans do, how many hours do you sit per week? Don’t forget to include that time spent on the couch watching your favorite TV shows! Or how many hours you sit per week due to your job commute.

Hitting the Gym After Work? You Might Want to Consider Having a Cup of Coffee First

The Portland Trail Blazers have a game day ritual that may be similar to what you do when you need a pick-me-up -- they have a cup of coffee.

To Stretch or Not to Stretch? Well, It Depends

The National Health Service (NHS) reports that some research has shown that stretching before exercise makes your muscles weaker and slower, even though you might feel more loosened up.

Yoga! Bending Over Backwards Might Actually Help That Back Pain

Pain in the low back area is a common complaint. It is the most prevalent reported pain, according to a recent report, and one of the leading causes of emergency department visits. Low back pain also affects roughly one third of adults aged 65-74.

What’s the Secret to Longevity? It May Be Golf

Golf is a sport that is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide. About 25 million Americans play this sport. I have been playing golf for nearly twenty years. I love the sport. It is an activity that has kept me both physically and mentally fit. It is engaging and taught me humility, patience, discipline, perseverance and the ability to focus on improving my thinking in order to be successful both at the sport and life.

Yoga Isn’t the Only Way to Clear Your Mind, Try Tai Chi

When it comes to combining meditation and mind-body exercise, most of us might immediately think of yoga and perhaps all the excuses that come with it—“I don’t know the poses,” “I’m not that flexible” or “I’m too old for that.” Sound familiar?

Making Neighborhoods More Walkable Can Help Us All Enjoy Better Health

According to Walk Score, a website that rates the walkability of neighborhoods anywhere in the United States, Canada and Australia on a scale of zero to 100, “The average resident of a walkable neighborhood weighs 6-10 pounds less than someone who lives in a sprawling (versus compact) neighborhood.”

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