His Heart Stopped, but They Brought Him Back to Life. Let’s Talk About College Athlete Tyvoris Solomon

On Saturday, December 2, 2017 at Raleigh, North Carolina’s PNC Arena, cheers and excitement from spectators at a college basketball game abruptly turned into cries and panic.

The Real Message We Need to Take from the Death of San Francisco’s Mayor at 65

San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee died earlier today from a heart attack. He was the 43rd mayor of the city and first Asian-American to hold this position. Lee was grocery shopping in his neighborhood store when he suffered the attack, and he died later at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. He was just 65-years-old and is survived by his wife and two daughters.

“Must Love Dogs!”

According to the 2017-2018 National Pet Owners Survey, nearly 70% of U.S. households, or about 85 million families, own a pet. And my family is one of those families. In fact, we are the proud owners of five German Shepherds. They are fun animals and perform many important functions in my family, such as being mental and physical coaches.

Nelsan Ellis’ Death: We Are Beyond Words, but Let’s Try to Understand What Happened

Fans around the world were shocked and deeply saddened by the recent death of actor Nelsan Ellis. He was well known for playing the breakthrough role of a gay Black man named Lafayette Reynolds on the HBO series “True Blood.”

Caffeine Overdose Kills Teen. Here’s How to Be Proactive

Caffeine consumption may not be one of your top health concerns. Issues like obesity, cancer, diabetes and hypertension may be much more pressing concerns to you. However, this tragic story of a teenage boy who died from drinking too much caffeine made it clear to me caffeine can be very dangerous, and we need to be proactive about protecting our children.

Follow Your Heart. Ask Your Doctor About Alternatives to Heart Stenting

We cannot stress enough there is no one size fits all approach to health care and the treatment of diseases. A recent study on the use of stents to treat coronary artery disease stresses the importance of properly diagnosing each individual and administering the right treatment.

Slow Caffeine Metabolism: The Reason Some People Who Drink Coffee Could Be at Higher Risk for a Heart Attack

Some of my favorite beverages contain caffeine. Besides coffee, my delicious, caffeinated drinks include lattes, macchiatos, green tea, Thai iced tea and Tia Maria (a dark liqueur made originally in Jamaica with Jamaican coffee beans).

Trainer Bob Harper Had a Heart Attack: Does This Mean We’re All Doomed?

When a fitness guru suffers from a heart attack, where does that leave the rest of us? That’s what Bob Harper’s heart attack, just a few weeks ago, is leaving many people wondering. You may know Bob Harper, 51, as star trainer turned host from NBC’s “The Biggest Loser.” He has authored several weight loss books and appeared in workout DVDs.

Reduce your risk of cardiac arrest today by knowing these simple things

Your doctor may have told you that if you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and you’re overweight, you may get heart disease down the road. But most of the time, you have no idea when sudden cardiac arrest will strike.

Carrie Fisher’s death a wake up call to help more women be proactive about heart attacks

Carrie Fisher, star of the beloved Star Wars franchise, died days after suffering a heart attack on a plane at age 60. Fans around the world were shocked, but should we really be so surprised? Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States. In fact, heart attacks kill six times as many women as breast cancer! One in three women die of heart disease; that’s approximately one every minute, according to the American Heart Association.

Lower incomes tied to high blood pressure rates: Why nutrition and education may be key

High blood pressure is a global health issue, affecting over a billion people, and it’s only gotten worse. The number of people with high blood pressure has nearly doubled over the last 40 years. But believe it or not, the United States, Canada and South Korea actually have the lowest rates in the world, according to a new study published in The Lancet, which examined worldwide blood pressure trends from 1975-2015.

Caddy Max Zechmann dies at age 55 from sudden heart attack: Is golf actually a dangerous sport?

A popular golf caddy Max Zechmann recently fell ill on the 13th hole while caddying for a French golf player in Dubai. He was 55 and suffered a heart attack, dying only a few hours later in the hospital. There have been a few other caddy deaths during professional golf tournaments in recent years: Ian MacGregor, age 52, in 2014 and Scott Steele, age 55, in 2012. Each experienced heart attacks.

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