The Amazing Health Benefits of Hugs

Hugs are more than just a warm embrace - they actually have some incredible health benefits. From boosting our mood to improving our physical health, the act of hugging can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. One of the most well-known benefits of hugging is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety.

Is Aromatherapy a Missing “Ingredient” Of Your Proactive Healthcare Plan?

There is little dispute that going to the dentist is usually not a pleasant experience. And it appears that many dentists are more than aware of this. Dental visits can be a stressful, anxiety-ridden experience.

Let it go: The health benefits of leisure time

So many articles harp on how much TV Americans watch, and how we should better spend our time exercising. And, while there is no question that exercising is important because it improves your physical health and reduces stress, studies show leisure activities – including watching TV – also have health benefits.

Stressed about stress?

Stress is a part of everyday life, and you’re expected to be able to handle it, whether it’s at work or at home. But how much stress is too much stress? And is there a way to objectively measure your stress levels? Let’s take a closer look to find out.

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