Sweating it out in a sauna? There may be some health benefits!

The body’s response to the gentle, persistent heat of a sauna is well-documented and proven day in and out by people all over the world. This is why more and more doctors are recommending its purifying benefits.

Understand extracellular water to keep your health in check

Extracellular water is body water that is not inside the cells. Water found inside the cells is called “intracellular water.” Add the water inside the cells and the water outside the cells, and you get your “total body water.”

Swollen Ankles? Bigger Shoes Are Not the Answer!

I recently read that Meghan Markle – now the Duchess of Sussex – usually wears her shoes a size too big. According to one fashion expert, celebs sometimes go up a size or two when they wear heels for a long period of time to avoid swollen feet.

Fluid retention: Swollen ankles a sign of something more?

Humans – we're made of water, right? So why is fluid retention a problem? Generally speaking, the normal water content in a female body is between 45-60 percent and 50-65 percent in a male body, and these percentages tend to decrease with age. So for example, a 160-pound person may contain just under 100 pounds of water. But sometimes water pools where it shouldn’t, such as in the lower legs and ankles, the abdomen, the fingers or the face.

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