What Is Atrial Septal Defect?
When I imagine stroke victims, most twenty-somethings do not come to mind. But a young woman named Veronica Cardello, however, gave me a different perspective. At just 27-years-old, Veronica experienced an extremely scary event where she had a stroke in the shower one morning.
Test Your Heart Health In Less Than 2 Minutes & Be Proactive About Preventing Heart Disease
I will always advocate for the importance of getting routine medical check-ups and examinations from competent medical professionals. But I also believe we should do our part when we can to test ourselves at home. For example, while many of us may have our blood pressure checked at the doctor’s office, we can still practice at-home blood pressure monitoring.
Congressman’s Wife Dies Of Mitral Valve Prolapse At Just 39. How Can We Be Proactive?
Also known as Barlow’s syndrome and floppy valve syndrome, MVP, as the name suggests, involves a prolapse (a bulging or falling out) of the mitral valve. If you look at diagram of heart in this blog, you can see that the heart contains four valves. The purpose of the mitral valve is to help move blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle. Essentially, heart valves prevent the backward flow of blood.
His Heart Stopped, but They Brought Him Back to Life. Let’s Talk About College Athlete Tyvoris Solomon
On Saturday, December 2, 2017 at Raleigh, North Carolina’s PNC Arena, cheers and excitement from spectators at a college basketball game abruptly turned into cries and panic.
Why fish eaters may be less likely to suffer a heart attack
Being proactive today may save you tomorrow -- especially when it comes to protecting your heart! Did you know 1.5 million heart attacks occur in the U.S. each year, with half a million deaths? With heart disease being the leading cause of death in the U.S., heart attacks are unfortunately all too common. One way you can reduce your risk? Eat more fish, a recent study says.
What is a coronary calcium scan?
Calcium isn’t always a good thing. You want it in your bones, but not so much in the form of kidney stones or in your heart. After all, calcium buildup in your heart is a risk factor for heart disease. But now, there’s a new way to find out if that’s happening.
Your Summer Heart Check-Up: Catch early warning signs before they become serious problems
Summer is a good time to think about heart health. Fresh produce is abundant, providing a bounty of antioxidants. And you can enjoy more time outdoors, soaking up some vitamin D from the sun. Perhaps you're more active, taking advantage of the weather and going for a nice bike ride. Or you just got back from a family vacation, where you finally got that much needed rest and relaxation.
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