We Must Be Proactive About Osteoarthritis, The Most Common Kind of Arthritis
Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease, meaning that it worsens over time.
6 Ways I Improved My Joint Health and Became Pain Free
After 30 years of playing golf, I developed some pain in my left shoulder. To be honest, the pain was pretty annoying with a burning sensation. I suspected a heart problem with the shoulder pain because heart disease runs in my family. But after having an MRI, I discovered I had mild osteoarthritis (often called “wear-and-tear”), mild tendinosis (makes sense because one of the symptoms is burning) and mild bursitis.
Make Stretching a Part Of Your Daily Routine: Your Mature Body Will Thank You!
Do you remember doing calisthenics in your gym class? You might recall the part where you had to try to touch your toes by bending over from a standing position or while sitting on the floor with your legs extended.
If You Wear High Heels, You Need to Take These Proactive Steps
Back in April, Norweigan Air got major criticism and pushback for their dress code requiring that their female flight attendants wear high heels as part of their uniform. Apparently, female flight attendants could wear flats once they were flying, however, they were required to wear heels outside of the cabin. For example, when entering or exiting the plane.
Take Good Care Of Your Joints Now – They Will Thank You Later!
I am a firm believer in the adage that an “ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” when it comes to my health. That’s why I usually don’t wait for symptoms to tell me whether I need to do something to take better care of myself.
Make Stretching a Part of Your Daily Routine: Your Mature Body Will Thank You!
Do you remember doing calisthenics in your gym class? You might recall the part where you had to try to touch your toes by bending over from a standing position or while sitting on the floor with your legs extended.
Exercise programs for older adults: A growing trend that can help you enjoy a healthier life!
Fitness programs for older adults find themselves among the top fitness trends in the country, and for good reason! In the past, this population has really been underserved by the fitness industry. There’s no reason why everyone shouldn’t be able to enjoy the many health benefits of working out. Before beginning a workout plan, it is important for the older adult to consult a medical professional with knowledge of their medical history. Even though this advice applies to exercise enthusiasts of any age, it is a crucial first step for the older adult.
Be proactive about your joint pain
Joint pain occurs inside or around a single joint connecting two bones, and it can have a multitude of causes. For kids and young adults, joint pain typically comes from injuries (such as falls, sports trauma or accidents), which usually heal after a few weeks. However, joint pain in the middle and later years of life is often related to wear and tear or inflammation, and tends to be more chronic. Statistically, 1/3 of the population has arthritis in one or more joints by the age of 65. With age, joint pain tends to increase, but it does not have to be inevitable.
A natural option for joint pain relief
One in five adults in the U.S. report having doctor-diagnosed arthritis. It’s a common problem. The pain can be anywhere from mild to severe, but either way, it’s unpleasant. So it makes sense that someone would try different medications to find some relief. But then those medications may end up causing other issues such as gastrointestinal damage. Shouldn’t there be a way to get some joint relief without the unwanted side effects? You do have options. One of them may be Kaprex, by Metagenics.
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