Why older patients could be worse off after going to the hospital

Imagine arriving to the hospital with injuries from a fall, hoping to be treated and released so you can get back to your home and your life. But bad turns to worse. You’re almost entirely immobile the whole time, stuck on bedrest, tethered to your IV and oxygen. You’re not eating or sleeping well, and it doesn’t help that you’re in a noisy ward, having your vitals monitored at all hours of the night.

Exercise programs for older adults: A growing trend that can help you enjoy a healthier life!

Fitness programs for older adults find themselves among the top fitness trends in the country, and for good reason! In the past, this population has really been underserved by the fitness industry. There’s no reason why everyone shouldn’t be able to enjoy the many health benefits of working out. Before beginning a workout plan, it is important for the older adult to consult a medical professional with knowledge of their medical history. Even though this advice applies to exercise enthusiasts of any age, it is a crucial first step for the older adult.

Is vitamin D deficiency to blame for your slipping memory?

Are you still as mentally sharp as you used to be? Do you feel like you are more forgetful? Are you less decisive? If so, you may be experiencing what is called mild cognitive decline. Losing your wallet and finding it in the fridge may be funny the first time, but after a while, not so much. You rely on the people around you to remind you of something obvious. You miss appointments. Your work performance and personal relationships take a hit. You chalk it all up to stress and lament that a tropical vacation would resolve all your troubles.

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