Reduce your risk of cardiac arrest today by knowing these simple things
Your doctor may have told you that if you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and you’re overweight, you may get heart disease down the road. But most of the time, you have no idea when sudden cardiac arrest will strike.
Carrie Fisher’s death a wake up call to help more women be proactive about heart attacks
Carrie Fisher, star of the beloved Star Wars franchise, died days after suffering a heart attack on a plane at age 60. Fans around the world were shocked, but should we really be so surprised? Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States. In fact, heart attacks kill six times as many women as breast cancer! One in three women die of heart disease; that’s approximately one every minute, according to the American Heart Association.
Caddy Max Zechmann dies at age 55 from sudden heart attack: Is golf actually a dangerous sport?
A popular golf caddy Max Zechmann recently fell ill on the 13th hole while caddying for a French golf player in Dubai. He was 55 and suffered a heart attack, dying only a few hours later in the hospital. There have been a few other caddy deaths during professional golf tournaments in recent years: Ian MacGregor, age 52, in 2014 and Scott Steele, age 55, in 2012. Each experienced heart attacks.
Does raising your HDL “good cholesterol” really protect against heart disease?
In March, scientists discovered a gene mutation that raises HDL cholesterol levels (commonly known as the “good” cholesterol) -- but rather than protecting against heart disease, it increases your risk for it. With HDL cholesterol widely being touted as heart-protective, it made scientists scratch their heads, wondering if HDL cholesterol levels are not really a catch-all. Perhaps it’s not the amount of HDL that matters, but how it works and how well it removes unhealthy cholesterol.
Why fish eaters may be less likely to suffer a heart attack
Being proactive today may save you tomorrow -- especially when it comes to protecting your heart! Did you know 1.5 million heart attacks occur in the U.S. each year, with half a million deaths? With heart disease being the leading cause of death in the U.S., heart attacks are unfortunately all too common. One way you can reduce your risk? Eat more fish, a recent study says.
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