Happy Hour Isn’t So Happy Anymore. U.S. Surgeon General Calls for Cancer Warning Labels on Alcohol Products

If you pick up a pack of cigarettes, you cannot miss the label on the pack that clearly warns that the use of this product might cause cancer. What if the same were true if you picked up a bottle of wine or a six-pack of beer? Well, the U.S. surgeon general now wants warning labels on alcohol products.

“Wine-ing Down” Might Not Be As Harmless As You Think.

Happy hour. A nightcap. A celebratory toast. Something to take the edge off. Drinking alcohol is such a norm in our culture that so many people forget that alcohol is actually a drug. A legal drug, but being legal does not make it harmless.

If You Are Having a Rough Time With ‘Dry January,’ This May Help

If you are finding that participating in ‘Dry January’ is extremely difficult and white knuckling through it (only about a week left), I think it is time to reevaluate your relationship with alcohol. In the meantime, I came across a recent article with helpful tips from a life coach who is sober every month of the year.

Why You Might Want To Extend ‘Dry January’ To Every Month

After booze-soaked holidays and the desire to get back in shape and healthier at the top of a new year, many may feel inspired to temporarily go alcohol-free or at least significantly cut back. However, come February, they often find themselves back to their old drinking habits (a nightly glass of wine, a few cocktails at their weekly ‘Happy Hour,’ binge drinking on the weekends).

Ringer’s Lactate Solution May Be Just What You Need This Holiday

In certain cases of dehydration, you may need more than just water. This may include the use of intravenous (IV) fluids, such as saline solution or lactated Ringer's solution, which can be administered directly into the bloodstream to replace lost fluids and electrolytes.

The Power of B Vitamins When It Comes to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

I don’t think people really think about the effects of excessive fat build-up around the body’s organs. For one, we can’t see it like we may be able to see our bulging stomach. Secondly, we may not feel the impact of the stress that too much fat can put on the internal organs until serious disease develops. This is why, in my opinion, fat can be a silent killer.

10 Ways To Be Proactive and Have a Healthier 4th of July

The good news is that there are simple steps we can take to be proactive and have a healthy but still fun 4th of July holiday and summer. Remember, “detox to retox” is no way to treat your beautiful mind and body. And as always, prevention is better than cure.

IV Hydration May Help To Fight Alcohol-Related Dementia

When most people think about the damaging effects of drinking too much alcohol, they usually think of the damage it may do to the liver. We tend to not think so much about the damage it could do to the brain, specifically alcohol-related dementia (also sometimes called alcohol-related brain damage). Take for example, the sad story of this 48-year-old woman in the United Kingdom named Maria Chilvers.

COVID-19 May Make Addiction and Mental Illness Harder To Overcome, But We Can Still Be Proactive

One might think that if bars and nightclubs are closed, people should be drinking less. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Reports show that many people are really struggling with being isolated and using drugs and alcohol to cope with this isolation and even boredom that can come with this new way of life we are all living.

You Booze, You Lose. Especially As You Fight COVID-19

Drinking alcohol excessively can wreak havoc on the immune system. The truth is that pandemic or no pandemic, we should always be proactive about keeping our immune systems in top shape.

5 Reasons Men Really Need to Watch the Booze

It’s currently National Men’s Health Month. And regardless of age, men who drink excessively may want to consider significantly cutting back the amount they drink.

American Cancer Society’s Updated Guidelines In Cancer Prevention

The American Cancer Society recently updated their guidelines regarding diet and physical activity in regards to preventing cancer (the last update was conducted in 2012). Changes to the guidelines include recommendations to get more physical activity, eating less or no processed meat or red meat and avoiding alcohol or drinking less of it.

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