Why You Need To Try Banana Peel Flour ASAP!

Just like there are many different types of milk, there are many different types of flour. It can get a bit confusing, so let’s go over a few:

IV Hydration May Help To Fight Alcohol-Related Dementia

When most people think about the damaging effects of drinking too much alcohol, they usually think of the damage it may do to the liver. We tend to not think so much about the damage it could do to the brain, specifically alcohol-related dementia (also sometimes called alcohol-related brain damage). Take for example, the sad story of this 48-year-old woman in the United Kingdom named Maria Chilvers.

Bananas Aren’t Always Yellow. Let’s Talk About Red Bananas

If I asked you what color bananas are, you’d probably look at me like I’m crazy and say, “yellow.”

Why Some People Like Wendy Williams May Need Special Cocktails Like “Banana Bags” and “Myers’ Cocktails”

Recently, television host Wendy Williams got a special cocktail - a vitamin cocktail in the form of an IV vitamin drip. Another name for the cocktail she received is a “banana bag,” and it usually contains “a combination of 100 mg of thiamine, 1 mg of folic acid, 1-2 g of magnesium, and a multivitamin formulation in either normal saline or dextrose in water solution,” according to this source.

Why Is Leukemia So Deadly And Is There Anything We Can Do To Prevent It?

Comedian and older brother to actor and comedian Eddie Murphy, Charlie Murphy, died this week at the age of 57 after losing a battle to leukemia. A report says his family was shocked because he seemed to be getting better and even joked his family was too worried about him. He was receiving chemotherapy treatment, but he did not disclose his illness to many people. Before his death, he continued to work. He was a castmate of the hit TV show “Power,” and reportedly other castmates did not know he was battling cancer.

Green bananas: a diabetes-friendly snack

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits around. In fact, they seem to be America’s favorite fruit, according to the USDA. The average American eats 27 pounds of bananas a year, and it’s no wonder! They're high in potassium, dietary fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins B6 and C. But what you may not know about bananas is that you don't have to wait for them to turn yellow to enjoy them.

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