Rutabagas Are Healthy, But You May Want to Eat In Moderation (Along With Other Root Veggies)

Knowing how to eat is just as (if not more) important as knowing what to eat. I think it’s pretty much common knowledge that whole, unprocessed foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are far more healthier than nutrient-void, processed foods. I do, however, believe that many are unaware of how important it is to also know how to properly portion certain plant-based foods.

You Might Want To Consider Being a ‘Locavore.’

I try my best to provide healthy, plant-forward dinners for my husband and 15-month-old son as much as possible. It’s not always easy, and I know many people can relate to this whether they are cooking just for themselves or their families. My biggest struggle is falling into a rut (really, broccoli again?!) or not knowing what to cook for dinner (enter feeling defeated and succumbing to take-out).

We Love Our Pets, But They Don’t Belong In The Fruit & Vegetable Garden

My husband Eric and I are the proud ‘parents’ of five German Shepherds. They can be a handful, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Not only are dogs adorable and loving creatures, but owning a dog may also reduce our risk of having heart problems and stress related issues. In fact, there are many health benefits associated with owning dogs. To put it simply, dogs may help us live longer!

Making At-Work Farmers Markets Part of a Successful Employee Wellness Strategy

Employee wellness programs have become ubiquitous. In fact, over 90 percent of companies, and the majority of government entities, offer some sort of wellness program for their employees. Many companies have installed gyms in the office space, offer employees “stand-and-stretch” breaks throughout the day, and provide healthier food options in cafeterias and break rooms. All have been shown to make a positive difference.

Farmers’ Markets Food Safety. Here’s What You Need to Know

I love farmers’ markets. They’re great for getting outside and changing up the sometimes mundane trip to the grocery store. It’s also great to support local businesses that offer fresh, healthy foods. It can also be beneficial to bring your child to a farmers’ market. Seeing the array of colorful, fresh produce and learning about where these foods come from can be empowering for children.

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