What does your acid reflux have to do with diabetes?

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, more than 60 million American adults experience heartburn at least once a month, and more than 15 million adults suffer with it daily. But for something so common, it is also something that many people don’t really understand that well. And the terms “heartburn” and “acid reflux” are used almost interchangeably, as if they were the same thing. In fact, while they are closely related, each is, in fact, different from the other.

Protect yourself against brain toxins

Almost everyone has heard the phrase “mad as a hatter,” but most people don’t know that it originated in 18th century England when hatters exposed to mercury salts literally went “mad” from the toxicity. Three centuries later, toxins in our homes and environment continue to be a threat to healthy brain function.

If you take vitamin C when you get sick, you’re using it all wrong

“Take some vitamin C.” You’ve probably heard it since you can remember, since your very first cold. As a kid, you probably downed glasses of orange juice at the first sign of the sniffles under your mother’s watchful eye. Later, you graduated to those popular powdered vitamin C drinks, hoping a sudden assault of extra vitamin C would make viruses retreat. But does it work?

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