Attract More Abundance in Your Daily Life



Mental Health

By Joy Stephenson-Laws, JD, Founder


I don’t have enough money, and I likely never will.

I don’t have enough time.

I will never be able to give my kids everything they need.

This world is just unfair. I’m not going to get everything I want.

I am just not enough.

Do you have a fearful or scarcity mindset?

If these are the thoughts that constantly populate your mind, then you may have a fearful or scarcity mindset. An abundance or fearless mindset would look like:

I believe we live in a giving universe. If I put in the work and have a positive mindset, I will be rewarded financially.

As long as I am living, I have time. When I wake up to a new day, I have time. When I am resting, my body is taking the time it needs.

I am a provider to my kids. They are thriving and will continue to, because, most importantly, they receive an abundance of love from me. 

I count my blessings, I lead with gratitude, and believe I have access to what I feel I need in my life.

I am enough. There are endless opportunities for me to grow, learn and achieve.

If mental training and fitness (controlling your thoughts) is not something you are familiar with, I realize this may come off as very “woo-woo.” Despite your possible skepticism, I cannot stress enough that our thoughts shape our realities, because our thoughts fuel our habits. And our daily habits build the lives we live.

If we wake up every day with a fearful and defeatist attitude that we will never have enough, how do you think we are going to feel and perform? Our thoughts create pathways in our brain. Think of it as a groove. Do you want the fearless/abundance groove or the fearful/scarcity groove? 

The brain is the control center for our bodies and determines our emotions, thoughts, and actions. From a psychological perspective, the mind can assist humans in manifesting a more remarkable life for themselves or hinder their abilities and result in unfulfilled potential,” reports the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 

There is so much power in harnessing our thoughts as opposed to wallowing in all that is bad and not seeing the positive. Life will always present difficulties and challenges. There is just no way around that, but life is also very giving and rewarding. For many of us, the good usually does outweigh the bad. And that in itself tells us that we do in fact live in an abundant universe.

Physical health is important and we offer a lot of advice on this site about how to be proactive. In addition to physical health, mental fitness and training is just as important and both are necessary in order to enjoy a healthy life. To start adopting a more abundant mindset, I recommend keeping a gratitude journal. Meditation may also very effective. You can meditate for just two to five minutes every morning or evening and repeat to yourself: I live in an abundant universe. I am deserving. I am enough. Try it. You really have nothing to lose but so much to gain. I believe you will notice a big difference with consistent practice. Just writing this blog gave me a positivity and abundance boost!

I also think visualization is important. Imagine you are that person in the photo above with all of the beautiful flowers. Close your eyes and surround yourself with what you want or something that symbolizes your growth. Maybe it is those beautiful flowers, or maybe it is money. There is no shame in that. You get to visualize what you need and want. Perhaps it is water which may symbolize cleansing, renewal and movement. This really does help shift mindset and give a sense of peace. In other words, start telling the universe what you want as opposed to what you don't want. 

Lastly, this quote from author and motivational speaker Wayne Dyer who passed in 2015 is instructive.

“You become what you think about all day and those days become our lifetime."

So let's be proactive about our thoughts and try our best to reduce fearful and scarcity related thoughts. Tune into fearless and abundance related thoughts instead. 

We already have an abundant life. We just need to see it and access it.


Enjoy your healthy and abundant life!


Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice. Please consult with your doctor or another competent healthcare practitioner to get specific medical advice for your situation.                                          


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