Kohlrabi is King

On a recent trip to my local farmers market, I came across an interesting looking piece of produce. It was a vibrant purple color, about the size of an orange and had lush leaves sprouting from the top. If a beet had a baby with a cabbage, to me this is what this plant would have been.

Parsnip: The Root Vegetable I Plan On Using A Lot of This Fall

Fall is the perfect time to eat root vegetables such as carrots, beets and potatoes. They are earthy, hearty and great for making soups. Another root veggie I plan on adding into the rotation is the parsnip.

What is “Reducetarianism,” and Should You Practice It?

What and how we eat is very complex. Some people practice intermittent fasting. And, of course, some identify as vegan, vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian (excludes all animal foods except eggs), pescatarian and omnivore (eats both plant and animal foods). There is even a flexitarian diet, which is essentially a person who eats plant-based the majority of the time but occasionally eats animal foods.

What Is Calorie “Front-Loading,” And Should You Try It?

Making breakfast your biggest meal is usually referred to as front-loading your calories. And although I agree that breakfast is an important meal, I don’t really like the idea of consuming the majority of my calories at breakfast.

Trump Drinks 12 Diet Cokes a Day. Is This Habit Harmless?

I think it’s fun to learn about the eating habits of former presidents of the United States. For me, it adds some levity to my day with the daily non-stop news cycle. Some of their habits may come as a surprise to you or even make you giggle a bit.

Why You Might Want To Drink Acai Berry Lemonade This Labor Day Weekend

For many, Labor Day weekend is a booze-filled holiday, however, in my pursuit of a new mocktail I came across a drink I think might entice you to walk past the beer cooler or sangria punch bowl. Strawberry acai lemonade.

Why You Need To Try Banana Peel Flour ASAP!

Just like there are many different types of milk, there are many different types of flour. It can get a bit confusing, so let’s go over a few:

Joy Stephenson-Laws of Proactive Health Labs On The 5 Things You Need To Do To Achieve a Healthy Body Weight, And Keep It Permanently

As a part of our series on “5 Things You Need To Do To Achieve A Healthy Body Weight And Keep It Permanently” we had the pleasure of interviewing Joy Stephenson-Laws, founder and executive director of Proactive Heath Labs.

Nutritional Help to Fight Depression in Women

Various credible sources including Harvard Health, states women are about twice as likely as men to develop major depression. It appears our biological or hormonal makeup may be partly to blame.

Taste The Titanium Dioxide?

The tagline of the popular candy Skittles is “Taste the rainbow.” Now it may be more appropriate to say “Taste the titanium dioxide.” And this does not make for good publicity.

Stop Fiddling Around With Your Diet and Try Fiddlehead Ferns!

To be honest, I was shocked to see them at first because they looked like little green snakes on a plate! Because they are foraged and not grown, I guess fiddleheads are technically not a vegetable, however, they certainly taste like a vegetable and are extremely nutrient-dense like your more typical veggies.

5 Reasons You May Want to Make Bok Choy Your Go-To Veggie

Sometimes we need a break from our more basic vegetables in order to not get bored with our daily diet and fall back on junk foods for instant gratification. Lately I’ve been switching it up with bok choy.

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