Beating stubborn body odor

You bathe every day and wear deodorant, but you still can’t help feeling a little self-conscious. “Is that smell coming from me?!” Instead of just trying to find new ways to cover the bad odor, take a look at some of the potential reasons for it. There may be an underlying health condition you weren’t aware of.

Smart food for a smart brain

Turns out that the old saying of “You are what you eat” is true, and especially so when it comes to your brain. It’s no secret that the foods you consume have an effect on your body, but exactly how can what you eat make you smarter?

Chlorella: A secret weapon for fatty liver disease

Doctors diagnose fatty livers all the time. One in four Americans have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, according to the American Liver Foundation. A fatty liver can lead to scarring and, in severe cases, liver failure. Fatty liver disease is a serious condition, even though its symptoms may be vague in the early stages.

Try simple lifestyle changes to ease fibromyalgia pain

There are currently about 5 million adults living with fibromyalgia in the U.S. It could be your co-worker, boss, friend, family member – or even you. With millions of people struggling with this condition, let’s take a few minutes to make sure you’re well informed on not only what it is, but also how it can be addressed in everyday life. Read on to get the info you need.

Who said chocolate is a guilty pleasure?

The world seemed to rejoice when dark chocolate was pronounced a “healthy” food. Finally, after decades of every edible pleasure being slapped with a “DO NOT EAT” sign, we have something that’s delicious, luxurious, has a little caffeine and might prevent heart attacks.

Be proactive about childhood obesity - Give your kids a chance to enjoy their healthy lives

According to the Centers for Disease Control, obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in teens in the last 30 years. It has officially become an epidemic. So there is no dispute that childhood obesity is a serious public health concern.

How much water do you really need?

Water makes up 60% of your body weight. This number is higher for babies and less for the elderly. It is vital to life, as it helps flush out toxins from most organs and carries nutrients to all the cells of the body. Every system in your body needs water. When you don’t have enough water, you might end up suffering from dehydration, which causes you to feel weak and drained of energy.

Magnesium: Don’t you forget about me

Doctors often talk about drugs in terms of the minerals they throw out of whack. Some are “potassium-sparing,” while others are “calcium-wasting.”

Is iodine deficiency on your radar?

Iodine deficiency isn't on the radar for most Americans. As you’ve heard on the news, most people in the U.S. eat too much salt, and common table salt is "iodized" with this essential nutrient.

Why you should care about your zinc levels

Recently, a close relative told me he did some bloodwork and his zinc levels “came back low.” Since I knew very little about zinc except that zinc was somehow involved in the immune system, I did some research to figure out whether he had cause for concern. As a health care attorney, research comes naturally to me, but more importantly, as a health care consumer, I believe it is important for me to be well-informed about nutrition and health issues. So, here is some of the information I found out about zinc.

Can self-prescribing with calcium supplements do more harm than good?

Calcium is a very important mineral for the body. As you know, it keeps bones and teeth strong, but it does other helpful things as well. For example, calcium plays an essential role in blood clotting, muscle contractions and nerve impulse transmission. Studies further show that calcium plays a role in blood vessel contraction and dilation, which affect blood pressure. Women, in particular, need sufficient calcium to prevent osteoporosis, especially after menopause.

Vitamin B12: Cure-all or waste of money?

“B12 injections given here!” Doctor’s offices, chiropractic centers and other wellness-focused operations love to advertise B12. And why not? It’s profitable, and patients swear it gives them an “energy boost.” But while a “quick fix” for irritability or fatigue might be tempting, the notion of B12 as a cure-all, and a fast one at that, has a shaky foundation.

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