Should People with Food Allergies Avoid Store-Bought Cookies?
So many people with food allergies depend on food labels, however, it’s discouraging to learn that people have died from mislabeled products.
Be Proactive About Bee Stings This Summer
A couple of weeks ago I was enjoying my favorite outdoor sport -golf. It was particularly hot, and I noticed a big rattle snake just a few feet in front of us that was obstructing our path. Here is photo proof! For many hikers, golfers and dog owners, coming across such a creature may be a big fear. But for me, honestly, I’m much more fearful of bees which are also present on hiking trails or the golf course. You may see why from the following story.
Boy With Milk Allergy Dies From Eating Chocolate. Learn How To Be Proactive
The following story just breaks my heart! Recently, an 11-year-old boy in the United Kingdom named Raffi Pownall died after eating a chocolate bar. He had a dairy allergy, and Raffi’s father, who gave him the bar, thought it was dairy-free. Turns out, the bar contained milk powder.
Are you allergic to peanuts? If so, you and Serena Williams have something in common and there’s hope yet
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are one of the most popular sandwiches in the U.S., and if you have a child with a peanut allergy, you may be sad they’ve never had a chance to experience them. Good news though: The results of an ongoing clinical trial show wearable patches just might be the future of mitigating peanut allergies!
Wheezes and Sneezes Just From Fresh Breezes?
It has been allergy season for me, and recently, it all came to a head. I came home late one night. I had been gone all day. Looking for a nice fresh breeze to air out my home, I opened two doors to the outside – my mistake. I started sneezing like crazy almost every few seconds with seemingly no end to it for some 10-15 minutes. I had to do something. I could have taken antihistamines or cortisone nose sprays (helpful for nasal congestion, but weakens the nasal mucosa and can cause dryness and even nose bleeds), but I don't like to take medicine if I don’t need to. So I did the most practical thing I could think of.
What does vitamin D have to do with hives?
Hives, also known as urticaria, is an immune condition that affects about 20 percent of people at some point during their lives. The condition can be triggered by many substances or situations, and usually starts as an itchy patch of skin that turns into swollen red bumps.
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