Increase Workplace Wellness to Decrease Workplace Violence
The recent killing in Orlando of five people by a disgruntled former employee is a tragic reminder that workplace violence remains a real and increasing threat to America’s workforce. According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), approximately two million workers are victims of workplace violence every year, and this number is increasing. Even more alarming is that homicide is the fourth-leading cause of workplace deaths. In addition to the unnecessary tragedies of people losing their family members and loved ones, estimates put the total economic cost of workplace violence at more than $55 billion.
Do you sweat excessively even if you aren’t doing anything exhausting? Here’s the blog you’ve been waiting for
Do you constantly have to wipe your forehead? Do you always pack an extra shirt for work, just in case you sweat through? Do you find that you’re sweaty even when you’re not hot, nervous or exercising? If so, you may actually have a treatable medical condition called hyperhidrosis.
Why those with busy brains may be at risk for weight gain and how to stop it
Feel like you are always hungry? Science may finally have an answer. Turns out, a busy brain can lead to feelings of hunger, which can lead to weight gain if you don’t realize what’s going on. Think back to your college years. Those late night papers and study cram sessions likely helped you gain your requisite freshman 15.
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