Why won’t my doctor provide hormone replacement therapy for menopause?

Middle aged-women often experience hot flashes, trouble sleeping and hormone changes as they go through the process of menopause. Their quality of life is affected, so they look for solutions, scouring the Internet to learn about their dropping estrogen and progesterone levels. Interested in hormone replacement therapy, they schedule appointments with their doctors. But ever since the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) in 2002, which found the risks outweighed the benefits, many doctors now shy away from hormone replacement therapy.

Ladies, testosterone isn't just a male hormone!

What comes to mind when you think about testosterone? Images of beefy men in the gym? Aggression? A strong sex drive? While testosterone is considered one of the most important male hormones, you should also be aware of how it affects women’s health too!

Why are bioidentical hormones controversial?

Have you ever taken female hormones to regulate your menstrual cycle or to improve your mood or energy? While synthetic hormones (made in a lab) have long been available as prescription medications, pharmacists have also created “bioidentical” hormones for decades. Bioidentical hormones are derived from plant extracts, such as soy or yams. They are modified so that their molecular structure is identical to the hormones your body produces.

What you can learn about ‘love hormones’ from a prairie vole

Are humans like prairie voles? Yes, according to scientists at Florida State University. Prairie voles share with humans a pair bond, or “a stable relationship between a breeding pair of animals that share common territory and parental duties.” These animals go “steady” only six hours after mating. Even without sex, they pair up after 24 hours of living together! They protect each other from strangers, and avoid mating with amorous new prairie voles. What’s more, they are together for life.

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