Here’s Why You Need to Know About the Pineal Gland

You likely know what melatonin is or have at least seen melatonin supplements at your local drug or health food store. But you probably have not thought about the gland in your body that secretes melatonin - the pineal gland.

Life is a Picnic. Be Proactive About The “ANTs”

Think of life as an ongoing picnic. The weather, food and company all play a major role in the quality of the picnic. However, we can be certain that if a bunch of ants show up to the party it’s not a fun time. Those ants in the picnic I referred to are “automatic negative thoughts” or “ANTs.” 

The Circle of Willis – What You Need to Know

There is a very small structure (an inch or less in diameter) located deep in the base of our brains near the pituitary gland and optic nerves known as the Circle of Willis. Many of us are born with an incomplete Circle of Willis. If tests show that you have an incomplete Circle of Willis, this may be especially important information to communicate to your doctors if you need to have surgery because it allows them to take the necessary steps to reduce your risk for complications during surgery.

Good Oral Hygiene May Be One of the Keys to Happy & Healthy Longevity

One of the most shocking and disturbing predictions that I recently came across was that by 2025, 13 million Americans will have Alzheimer’s disease (currently there are about six million). And there is a connection between tooth loss and Alzheimer’s.

Light Therapy May Provide Some Relief For Alzheimer Patients

I’ve talked a lot about ways to be proactive about preventing Alzheimer’s, but I have not really discussed ways to be proactive when someone already has this devastating form of dementia.

It’s Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month: Here Are 5 Proactive Practices for a Healthy Brain

Although Alzheimer’s is most common among people over the age of 65, the Alzheimer’s Association reports that Alzehimer’s starts to develop 20 years or more before memory loss and other symptoms appear. Just because you may be young does not mean that you can afford to not be proactive about preventing this devastating neurodegenerative disease that is progressive and currently has no cure.

If You Are Depressed, A Vitamin D Supplement Could Be Life-Saving

President Biden might want to implement vitamin D testing and supplementation for veterans asap. In a recent study of more than one million U.S. veterans, researchers suggested that supplementation with vitamin D3 (animal sources) and D2 (plant sources) was linked to a 45 percent and 48 percent lower risk of suicide and self-harm.

A Few Pinches of Cinnamon May Boost Brain Function

If you are not adding cinnamon to your coffee, oatmeal, tea or even smoothie, you might want to consider starting asap. The potential health benefits of cinnamon have been discussed for quite some time, and now a recent study found evidence suggesting that consuming cinnamon may help with brain function particularly when it comes to memory and learning.

A Year Of Aerobic Exercise May Keep Alzheimer’s At Bay

So many people have been affected by Alzheimers disease! A few of the famous ones include Charles Bronson, Sean Connery, Peter Falk, Charlton Heston, Ronald Reagan, Rosa Parks and Rita Hayworth. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia.

Creatine Isn’t Just For Bodybuilders. Here’s Why We Need To Know About Creatine Deficiency

Creatine. It’s one of those things many people don’t know exactly what it is, but they know it is important for bodybuilding. Although it is true that creatine is important for building muscle, there is much more to it.

Jamaican Soccer Star Luton Shelton Dies of ALS. We Must Be Proactive.

It is true. We really don’t know what cards we will be dealt in life Take Luton Shelton, a professional soccer player from my home country Jamaica. Shelton recently died of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. He was just 35-years-old. He is survived by his wife and three children.

Be Proactive About Parkinson’s Disease With These 2 Vitamins

The brain is the most complex organ of the human body. Weighing three pounds, the brain has about 100 billion neurons (nerve cells). Without our brains, we could not walk, talk, eat, breathe, control our heart rate and so much more. I cannot express enough how important it is to be proactive about brain health. Some medical research suggests that we slowly start to lose some of our cognitive skills at the ripe old age of 27!

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