If You Live in This Half of the United States, Vitamin D Deficiency may be a Real Threat

Vitamin D deficiency may be inevitable depending on where you live. For example, if you live in the 37th parallel, you are at a greater risk of developing a vitamin D deficiency.

Why Vitamin D May Be One of the Keys to Healthy, Happy Longevity

You may want to consider adding vitamin D to your proactive healthcare arsenal for achieving healthy longevity and preventing or managing CVD. A recent study found evidence suggesting that people over the age of 60 who take vitamin D supplements reduce their risk of having a cardiovascular event such as heart attack or stroke.

If You Are Depressed, A Vitamin D Supplement Could Be Life-Saving

President Biden might want to implement vitamin D testing and supplementation for veterans asap. In a recent study of more than one million U.S. veterans, researchers suggested that supplementation with vitamin D3 (animal sources) and D2 (plant sources) was linked to a 45 percent and 48 percent lower risk of suicide and self-harm.

African Americans Have Higher Rates of Diabetes, And Vitamin D May Be a Key Player in This

Back in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, actor and filmmaker Tyler Perry encouraged African Americans to increase their intake of vitamin D. Through social media, where Perry has millions of followers, he stressed that although it is not a cure for COVID-19, taking a vitamin D supplement may help fight the virus. He shared that his vitamin D level was low and said that this is actually common in Black people.

Study Shows Vitamin D Deficiency May Increase Risk For Premature Death

Several years ago actress Gwyneth Paltrow shared that she had a severe vitamin D deficiency. "My doctors tested my vitamin D levels which turned out to be the lowest thing they had never seen -- not a good thing," Paltrow said, according to this Food Matters article from 2010. On top of this, she had osteopenia (low bone density). Vitamin D is essential for bone health. This nutrient helps the body absorb calcium (a mineral, which you probably already know, is invaluable to the health of our bones).

Read Beyond The Headlines When The Issues Relate To Your Health

There is a great line from a movie where a U.S. senator finds himself in a situation that could trigger a major scandal. His wife tells him not to worry, since when people know the whole story, they will understand. His retort is that people “are not interested in the story, only the headlines.” Unfortunately, given the demands on our time and wanting only the “topline,” many of us only get our news in soundbites or, at the most, by scanning the first few sentences of an article. While this approach may be fine for keeping up with world events, it is probably the worst way to keep up with news that may impact your health. It may, in fact, even put your health at risk.

Man Loses 28 Pounds From Vitamin D Intoxication. Be Proactive About Supplement Overdose

Although supplementation should never be a substitute for nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables, many of us will usually have at least one nutrient deficiency or imbalance.

Why We Must Fight The Vitamin D Deficiency Pandemic

There’s another pandemic we are facing that you may not even be aware of: a vitamin D deficiency pandemic. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (a branch of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)), around one billion people worldwide are vitamin D deficient, and about 50 percent of the population is vitamin D insufficient.

11 Sun Safety Tips To Avoid Skin Cancer

May is skin cancer awareness month. And with all 50 states taking initiatives towards reopening, people are finally out and about in the sun. What better time to discuss skin cancer and sun protection?

Bob Marley’s 75th Birthday Celebration Is A Reminder to Us All to Be Proactive About Skin Cancer

For those who have no clue who Bob Marley is (which I’m sure is not many people), his full name was Robert Nesta Marley. He was a Jamaican singer and songwriter and one of the biggest influencers of reggae music. He was an ambassador for reggae all over the world. Unfortunately, in May of 1981, Bob Marley died at just 36-years-old from a rare form of skin cancer called acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM). I am fairly certain that prior to Marley’s death, many people were unaware of this type of skin cancer. 

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month – Here's What You Need to Know

Many of you, like myself, may not have known that powerhouse sportscaster and Dancing With the Stars contestant Erin Andrews is a survivor of cervical cancer. Reportedly, Andrews was diagnosed back in 2016 and chose to keep this information private at the time. Despite such a scary diagnosis and doctors telling her to take it easy, she continued to work, never missing a football game.

“I Will Beat This, I Will Be Back.” Roman Reigns Steps Out of the Ring to Wrestle Leukemia

If you watch WWE wrestling, you have probably seen Roman Reigns perform in the ring under the spotlight. He weighs 265 pounds and is 6 feet 3 inches tall. And with his incredible athletic achievements, you might even think he is superhuman.

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