Avicii’s Death Sheds Light On Alcohol Abuse During Alcohol Awareness Month
“You are traveling around, you live in a suitcase, you get to this place, there's free alcohol everywhere — it's sort of weird if you don't drink.”
Drinking Makes You Thirsty – And That is a Good Thing!
At some point, you may have been told that alcohol does not really dehydrate you. This is simply not true. Today, I want to talk about the dehydrating effects of alcohol, why it’s important to know about them and what you can do to counter dehydration and its risks when and if you decide to drink alcohol.
Should You Let Your Kids “Taste” Alcohol?
Parenting is one of the most rewarding but challenging responsibilities of our lives. As parents, we sometimes struggle with the delicate balance of setting boundaries for our kids and letting them experience things they will inevitably encounter at some point during their lives.
The Knockout Combo You Don’t Want - Cocaine and Alcohol
April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and many people are already aware that an addiction to alcohol can be detrimental to their physical and mental health.
Can Drinking Too Much Cause Bad Blood?
April is Alcohol Awareness Month and a time to focus on the responsible use of alcohol. Drinking alcohol is a socially acceptable part of our culture, but we often forget that it is an addictive substance.
If You Booze, You May Lose...Your Hair
Despite being very young, at 26, and having no family history of balding prematurely or “bald genes,” a very good friend of mine is currently losing his hair. And he recently told me he is an excessive drinker.
Knowing About “Drunkorexia” Can Save Your Child’s Life
I learned about “drunkorexia” the hard way the other night when a “very close family member” called me, asking for a ride home after he was arrested for driving under the influence. He was heading home after a night out with friends and was “pulled over” by the police.
Is Happy Hour Hurting Your Health? A Few Ways to Drink Smarter
April is Alcohol Awareness Month. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conclude that excessive alcohol use is responsible for approximately 88,000 deaths in the U.S. each year and cost $249 billion in economic expenses in 2010.
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