Caffeine Overdose Kills Teen. Here’s How to Be Proactive

Caffeine consumption may not be one of your top health concerns. Issues like obesity, cancer, diabetes and hypertension may be much more pressing concerns to you. However, this tragic story of a teenage boy who died from drinking too much caffeine made it clear to me caffeine can be very dangerous, and we need to be proactive about protecting our children.

Prone To Heart Attacks? Be Careful How Many Daily Cups of Coffee You Drink

March is Caffeine Awareness Month! Since caffeine is probably one of the most frequently consumed drugs in the world, it is important we educate ourselves about it. Education allows us to make informed decisions about whether and how we consume caffeinated products.

Slow Caffeine Metabolism: The Reason Some People Who Drink Coffee Could Be at Higher Risk for a Heart Attack

Some of my favorite beverages contain caffeine. Besides coffee, my delicious, caffeinated drinks include lattes, macchiatos, green tea, Thai iced tea and Tia Maria (a dark liqueur made originally in Jamaica with Jamaican coffee beans).

How do energy drinks affect your health?

Athletes and office workers alike credit energy drinks for keeping fatigue at bay. With a fast-paced work environment or hectic home schedule, these drinks put gas in the tank when you’re running on E. But every now and then, you hear news stories of energy drink-induced heart palpitations and irregularities, visits to the ER and hospital admissions, making you question whether they are even safe. So let’s be proactive and learn more about how energy drinks affect your health.

Gotta have that java? Know the pros and cons of coffee!

If the coffee shops on every corner are any indication, we sure love our coffee! The U.S. is now drinking twice as much as in the 1970s and three times as much as in the 1960s. About 54 percent of the people over 18 drink daily coffee. The average coffee size is nine ounces and the average coffee drinker has three cups of coffee a day. And it seems demand for coffee is increasing worldwide.

Coffee: Raise a cup (or mug) to your health!

The majority of Americans start the day with their morning cup of coffee and many enjoy it throughout the day. And this is not just an American phenomenon – worldwide, people drink more than 2.25 billion cups of coffee a day and over 7 million tons of coffee beans are harvested each year to satisfy their demand.

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