Easier Prep Means One Less Reason to Delay Your Colonoscopy

Colonic irrigation offers several benefits over the traditional oral laxative method of bowel prep for a colonoscopy.  In addition to producing cleansing results comparable to oral methods, it has fewer side effects and enjoys high levels of patient satisfaction.

Being Proactive About Your Health Can Mean Being Your Own Health Hero

It is possible to find yourself in a personal health crisis where you may have to be your own hero by being your own advocate and seeking multiple medical opinions. Check out this story about a stage 4 colon cancer survivor.

Kirstie Alley’s Colon Cancer Was Recently Discovered Before Her Death. Be Proactive With Home Screenings.

It seems like every month I learn about yet another person being diagnosed with or passing from colorectal cancer. This cancer, which is the third most common cancer diagnosed in the United States according to the American Cancer Society, is also affecting many younger people.

Young Woman Refused Colonoscopy For Several Months. Discovers She Has Colon Cancer and Lynch Syndrome

The following story is not only very sad but also, in my opinion, incredibly infuriating. A young, African-American woman named Ashley Teague started losing weight back in 2019. Teague was 28-years-old at the time. After finally having the colonoscopy, Teague discovered that she had a tumor in her colon the size of a baseball.

Recent Devastating Diagnosis Of Colorectal Cancer Reinforces Why We Must Be Proactive

It seems like every month I discover yet another heartbreaking story about colorectal cancer. Recently in northern England, a 35-year-old father named Dean Whelan was diagnosed with colorectal cancer on his daughter’s first birthday. He did not experience any symptoms until about two months prior to receiving the diagnosis.

Travis Barker Experiences Severe Pancreatitis After An Endoscopy. Here’s What You Need To Know

According to one entertainment report, Barker started experiencing really bad pain after undergoing a routine endoscopy on June 27. To put it simply, an endoscopy is a nonsurgical procedure which allows a doctor to see inside a patient’s body. A long, flexible tube with a camera is inserted in the body.

Colorectal Cancer Can Be Devastating! Be Proactive.

I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Lawrence Meadows, brother of popular broadcast journalist Craig Melvin. At just 39-years-old, Meadows was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer back in 2016. He lost the battle against this devastating cancer in December of 2020 at the age of 43. It is quite haunting that actor Chadwick Boseman passed before Meadows at the same age due to having colon cancer as well. And when I think about these young men, I also think about my own brother who died of this cancer at the age of 65. 

5 Tips For a Healthy Colon

I think I speak for many people when I say that I am still devastated by the death of actor Chadwick Boseman, who died of colon cancer almost one year ago at the age of 43. His death was a shock, because he was young, appeared to be in good physical shape and even played a superhero when he starred in the film Black Panther. Colon cancer (also sometimes called colorectal cancer), however, is being found in younger people (under the age of 50).

In Shocking News, Actor Chadwick Boseman Dies From Colon Cancer. We Must Be Proactive.

How could this have happened to someone so young, so accomplished and someone who appeared to be in great physical shape? Recent research has shown that rates of colorectal cancer (which is cancer that occurs in the colon or rectum) have been on the rise and continue to rise in younger populations.

When Should You Have Your Second Colonoscopy? Well It Depends

It is usually recommended that persons like myself who have an average risk of colorectal cancer, should start getting colonoscopies at age 50. And then if all looks good, get one every 10 years.

It’s Not the Sexiest Topic, But Let’s Discuss Colonoscopies

I had my first colonoscopy when I turned 50 in 2010. So recently I decided I was due for a follow up since I am about to turn 60!

You’re Not Too Young to Get Colorectal Cancer!

If you do a simple Google search of “colorectal cancer and young people,” you will see far too many recent stories about people under the age of 40 afflicted by this type of cancer. It is reportedly the third most common cancer in both men and women in the United States. It is also the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in American people, according to the American Cancer Society.

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