Why the Health of Baby Teeth is Important and How Leafy Greens May Help

I worry about my two-year-old son’s dental health constantly. Getting him to brush his teeth is like wrestling a baby alligator! A lot of people tell me not to worry too much about his oral hygiene because he’s going to lose his baby teeth eventually, but what they don’t know is that the health of baby teeth is extremely important.

There is No One-Size-Fits-All to Choosing Mouthwash. Here’s What You Need to Know.

The variety of options can be overwhelming when it comes to mouthwashes, especially if you have no guidance or do not know the current status of your oral health.

Opioids Not Your Best Option for Dental Pain - Here’s Why

Given that your dentist may at some point offer you a prescription for an opioid painkiller after a procedure, there are some things you should keep in mind before heading to your local pharmacy.

For Better Overall Oral Health, Make Sure to Get Enough Zinc!

Everyone has heard about “superfoods,” such as kale or quinoa, that pack a ton of nutritional punch in literally every bite. There are also what I like to call “super minerals,” such as magnesium, that offer a variety of benefits. One of these “super minerals” that it is important to know about, and to make sure you are getting enough of, is zinc. In addition to supporting a variety of bodily processes, it is perhaps one of the best nutrients for supporting your overall oral health. Given that it helps protect your teeth, gums and inside of your mouth from a variety of diseases, as well as promote healing, it truly deserves the moniker of “super mineral.” Some may even call it the superhero of oral health!

Can’t Stand The Sting Of Mouthwash? COVID May Change Your Mind

I suspect many people are pretty indifferent to the use of mouthwash. You either use it regularly or you don’t. Or perhaps you use it only when you feel your breath is especially 'not so fresh. ''Whatever the case may be, mouthwash has always taken a backseat to the two cardinal rules for proper dental hygiene: brushing and flossing. But a recent study conducted by researchers at Penn State College of Medicine may change the attitude of many people about mouthwash.

You May Want to Delay the Dentist, But You Can Still Be Proactive About Oral Health Care

Many dental offices are now open across the country and taking extra precautions such as temperature checks. And what better way to feel somewhat normal again than by taking care of your teeth (even though you may have to hide them behind a mask)? But the World Health Organization, (WHO), is recommending that people delay routine dental checkups.

Put Your Probiotics Where Your Mouth Is

You likely know probiotics as the live microorganisms that help your gut health. What you may not know is that probiotics can also have a positive impact on oral health.

Cryotherapy Could Help Fight America’s Opioid Epidemic

The mother in this article discusses her experience with having her teenage son’s wisdom teeth pulled. Before the procedure was even done, the dentist prescribed her son Percocet, an opioid.

Consider Spot Cryotherapy Treatments To Reduce Swelling After Dental Surgery

Localized cryotherapy, when applied in the early postoperative period, can manage the swelling after dental surgery.

Post Halloween Dental Tips

If you are a parent, chances are you’re still staring at a sizeable pile of sugary snacks from the Halloween haul. Try as you might, it is never easy to convince your child to part ways with their knapsack full of candy.

Nutritional Solutions to Help You Fight Gum Disease

The CDC reports that nearly half of adults in the United States, over the age of 30, have periodontal disease. That number swells to 70 percent for adults 65 and older. In those affected, bacteria triggers inflammation of the tissues that surround the teeth, which can lead to loss of teeth in advanced stages of periodontitis.

The Health Benefits of Having a Dirty Mouth

A proper dental hygiene routine usually involves three steps: floss, brush and mouthwash. But the last of these steps is causing some concern in the healthcare field.

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