Ch-ch-ch-chia! Reap the benefits of superfood chia seeds

Although it seems like a new health-food craze, chia is actually one of the oldest. Chia is a traditional food in Central and South America, famously a staple of the Aztec warriors. This Salvia hispanica is in the mint family and makes white or purple flowers. The edible seed is renowned for its high content of omega fatty acids, protein, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals. Chia seeds are gluten-free, too. So what can chia do for you?

Taking supplements to lose weight or bulk up? Minimize the risks to your liver!

Nearly half of all U.S. adults take dietary or herbal supplements ranging from multivitamins to fish oil and from calcium to iron. When used correctly to address a vitamin or mineral imbalance or deficiency, these supplements can do wonders to help you be your healthiest. Studies are showing, however, that people are increasingly taking the wrong supplements or are using them incorrectly which may cause an increase in liver damage. And research shows that supplements that promote weight loss or bodybuilding are among the most common not being used correctly.

Beating stubborn body odor

You bathe every day and wear deodorant, but you still can’t help feeling a little self-conscious. “Is that smell coming from me?!” Instead of just trying to find new ways to cover the bad odor, take a look at some of the potential reasons for it. There may be an underlying health condition you weren’t aware of.

Chlorella: A secret weapon for fatty liver disease

Doctors diagnose fatty livers all the time. One in four Americans have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, according to the American Liver Foundation. A fatty liver can lead to scarring and, in severe cases, liver failure. Fatty liver disease is a serious condition, even though its symptoms may be vague in the early stages.

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