Woman Blames Turmeric for Liver Disease

Turmeric, also called “Indian saffron,” is an aromatic spice and one of the ingredients used to make curry powder. Other than being a great flavoring agent, turmeric is praised for having immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties.

Be Proactive About Liver Cancer

If you have been following the news lately, you may have seen the alarming report from the US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Liver cancer deaths in the United States have increased by more than 40 percent in the past 16 years - even as mortality rates for all cancers combined have declined.

7 Steps to Healthy Aging in a Fast Food Delivery World

Hypertension and vascular stiffness are inevitable as you get older—or so we thought. But a new study found these problems may not be as present in hunter-gatherer populations that walk and run to get their food from nature. This means there is hope for keeping the vascular system healthy as we age despite living in a society where our food is often delivered to us.

Fatty Liver Disease, the Silent Killer that Took George Michael

Music icon and sex symbol George Michael was practically unrecognizable before dying at the age of 53 on Christmas Day. Before his death, he was visibly very overweight, a complete contrast from the many years his fans were used to seeing him wear tight jeans and leather jackets. But what we could not see on the inside is part of what actually killed him. A fatty liver!

An alcohol-cancer link more people should know about

A drink after work, drinks with friends, drinks at yet another wedding -- it’s safe to say that there’s always an occasion to lift your glass. You know all about drinking responsibly, and you’d never dream of getting behind the wheel when you’re buzzed. But have you ever thought about the long-term consequences those drinks may have on your health?

What’s your coffee habit doing to your liver? The answer may surprise you

What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? Was it … coffee? If you’re an avid coffee-drinker, you’ll be excited to know there are more perks in your cup than the pick-me-up.

Why mercury is sinister

What is mercury? Other than being a silver liquid in dangerous old thermometers, mercury is a toxic metal occurring naturally in the earth. You may have heard phrases like “mercury toxicity,” making you wonder how mercury can hurt us. So, let’s find out what mercury does in our bodies.

Your chair may be your liver’s worst enemy

More and more research is pointing toward an unsuspected silent killer … your chair! You’ve probably heard the news about studies linking prolonged sitting and inactivity with obesity, diabetes and heart disease -- but a new study from South Korea published in the Journal of Hepatology says there’s also evidence that all that sitting may be increasing your risk for liver disease.

Be proactive and know the signs of a bile duct blockage

When we talk, read or think about our health, how often do “bile ducts” come up? Probably not often, if ever. We're so used to seeing PSAs, pretty posters, tote bags and keychains for heart disease, diabetes and breast cancer, but we don't hear that much about the bile ducts. However, a bile duct blockage can be painful and life-threatening!

Fatty liver disease: I in 4 Americans has it and doesn’t even know it

Many people who consider themselves healthy are walking around with a disease — fatty liver disease. First described in 1980, fatty liver disease, sometimes referred to as FLD or NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), is the condition of fat infiltrating the liver tissue. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis refers to a fatty liver that has become inflamed, with injury to the liver cells. According to the American Liver Foundation, fatty liver disease affects up to 25 percent of Americans.

I spy with my little eye: Clues about your health!

You are visiting a general doctor’s office. You are sitting down and having a brief chat with the doctor. Unexpectedly, your doctor asks if have a particular ailment such as heart, kidney, liver or thyroid disease. This takes you by surprise because you didn't realize the doctor was examining you yet. But perhaps the exam began at your first “hello.” Why? Because doctors can detect clues about your health just by looking at your eyes.

Burdock: A soother, purifier, free radical fighter all in one?

Often known as an herbal detox remedy in alternative medicine, burdock is in the daisy plant family and grows as a weed in the United States and several other countries. In Japan and some parts of Europe, burdock is eaten as a vegetable.

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