If You’re Looking for Good Vibes Only, Check Out The Sonix

It’s pretty amazing what you can add to your proactive healthcare arsenal if you are open-minded and educate yourself about all the available incredible modalities that exist. Take, for example, the Sonix Whole Body Vibration machine.

Let’s Celebrate Women’s History Month By Getting Stronger

March is Women’s History Month. This celebration of powerful and resilient females always makes me think of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. But recently, I came across an article about a 103-year-old woman who goes to the gym three to four times a week! Teresa Moore of Camarillo, California says that the gym is her “happy place.” And it all just goes to show us that we are never too old to be strong.

Read Beyond The Headlines When The Issues Relate To Your Health

There is a great line from a movie where a U.S. senator finds himself in a situation that could trigger a major scandal. His wife tells him not to worry, since when people know the whole story, they will understand. His retort is that people “are not interested in the story, only the headlines.” Unfortunately, given the demands on our time and wanting only the “topline,” many of us only get our news in soundbites or, at the most, by scanning the first few sentences of an article. While this approach may be fine for keeping up with world events, it is probably the worst way to keep up with news that may impact your health. It may, in fact, even put your health at risk.

Think Prunes Have Only One Health Benefit? Think Again!

When you think of the health benefits of prunes, one thing – and probably only one thing – comes to mind. This is not surprising since eating prunes is probably one of the best things you can do to keep yourself regular or address an occasional bout of constipation. Research, however, continues to discover more of how this popular dried fruit (prunes are dried plums) can contribute to your health. To give you some background, prunes date back to ancient western Asia. They eventually spread to Europe and then made their way to the U.S. in the middle of the 19th century. Today, we consume almost a third of a pound of prunes per person, second only to dried dates.

Vitamin K Just Gave You More Reasons to Eat Your Green, Leafy Vegetables

Vitamin K (not to be confused with the cereal of a similar name!), was discovered in 1929 and got its moniker of vitamin K from the German word "Koagulationsvitamin" since it was originally identified as having an important role in our blood’s ability to clot after an injury like a cut. (Clotting prevents excessive internal or external bleeding). 

Be Proactive and Invest In Your Bone Health

Did you know that the adult human body has 206 bones? Perhaps even more important, did you know that in general we begin to lose bone mass around the age of 40 (some medical sources say it’s more like 35 for women)?

Take Control of Your Health With Minerals!

Minerals are, in many ways, the unheralded and often forgotten heroes of keeping our bodies functioning at their best. While the nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and fats may be better well known, minerals are equally vital for helping us get and stay healthy.

The Science of Building Strong Bones

Did you know that your entire skeleton is replaced about every 10 years? According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), what happens is that over the course of your life your body continues to both reabsorb old bone and create new bone.

How much magnesium do you really need?

By now, there should be no dispute that magnesium is an extremely important mineral for optimal health. Every organ in the body, especially the heart, muscles and kidneys, needs magnesium. It is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body and is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. Around 50-60 percent of all the magnesium in the body is found in the skeleton, about 27 percent is found in muscle, 6-7 percent is found in other cells, and less than 1 percent is found outside of cells. It is required for healthy teeth and bones, activating enzymes and energy production.

How to get your vitamin D and practice safe summer sun

Now that summer is here, you will likely be spending much more time in the sun. While the sun has many health-promoting benefits, such as vitamin D production, it can also lead to other undesirable effects, including sunburn and cancer.

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