At Risk for Heart Disease? Get Moving!

Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer at Facebook and famous business executive, suddenly lost her husband back in 2015 after he slipped and fell off a treadmill in a hotel gym in Mexico. Reportedly, he suffered severe head trauma and blood loss.   This is such a tragic incident and, of course, there are risks with anything we do (from driving a car to walking down the street), but exercise and movement are so important if you are considered high risk for having a cardiovascular event.

Don’t Let Muscle Cramps Cramp Your Workout Style

It’s so discouraging to be in the middle of a really good workout, or, in my case, during a golf game, and get derailed by a muscle cramp. Also called muscle spasms or a ‘Charley/Charlie horse’ (when occurring in the legs), muscle cramps are defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as sudden and involuntary contractions or spasms in one or more of your muscles. That sounds about right! To some, muscle cramps may just be a nuisance, but I believe that anything that interferes with you being physically active (which is such a key pillar to good health and wellness) must be addressed. And, of course, muscle cramps are uncomfortable!

Don’t Like The Cold? Wait Until You Try Cold Weather Exercise

2021 is in full swing. Of course, many of us have that very common New Year resolution: lose some weight and get in shape. If you are feeling discouraged because so many gyms across the country are still closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, I have some good news for you. A recent study found evidence which suggests that exercising in cold weather could burn more fat.

Think Your Toddler is Too Young To Play Organized Sports? This May Change Your Mind

My son Kyle, a millennial, shared his story about growing up. He suggested that if he had participated in organized sports during his adolescence, he may have gotten into less trouble and had more confidence as a young adult. But as a mom, my focus was on keeping him healthy and active and  while I emphasized sports in general, frankly I did not focus much on the need to get him involved in organized sports.

Physical Activity May Strengthen Your Immune System

Lately, because of the threat of COVID-19, I have been especially vocal about how important exercise is as it relates to keeping our immune systems healthy. Even just 30 minutes of brisk walking on a daily basis may improve your immune system compared to otherwise sedentary time. And according to a recent Medical Xpress report, many healthcare professionals are encouraging physical activity as a powerful method for improving immunity.

In Honor of Usain Bolt’s Birthday and Our Health, Let’s Run!

So, in honor of Bolt’s birthday, let’s run through (pun intended) how running may benefit our health. And, no, you do not have to be a world class sprinter or long distance runner.

When It Comes to Exercise, There Is No Such Thing As “Age Appropriate”

When it comes to which exercises or sports you “should” enjoy or try, the expression “age is just a number” definitely applies. The truth, as much as we have been taught otherwise, is that age has very little to do with which physical activities a person should consider for protecting their physical and emotional health.

The 10,000 Step Myth And What We Really Need To Do To Stay Active During The Pandemic

Since many gyms will continue to be closed for the foreseeable future, a large number of my fellow boomers are now looking for the activity trackers they either got themselves or received as holiday and birthday gifts for “when I start walking” to lose these extra pounds.

High Blood Sugar Levels May Be Standing In The Way Of Your Cardio Goals

There may be something deterring you from reaping the full benefits of all the aerobic exercise you may be doing. And that 'thing' may be hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).

5 Activities You Can Do For Health & Longevity, Even As We Fight COVID-19

I know it may feel overwhelming to take on an extra activity right now, but doing so can be extremely beneficial to both your physical and mental health, especially if you are a boomer.

Yes, Golf Is A Great Exercise - Especially In The Age Of COVID-19

With the threat of COVID-19, one of my favorite social distancing activities has been playing golf. It gives me the opportunity to get fresh air and sunlight (which is necessary for getting vitamin D, a very important nutrient that we all need to stay healthy). And although golf may not be as vigorous as perhaps running or cycling, it is still a good form of physical exercise. 

If You Haven't Already, Make Exercise a Habit. Right Now!

Researchers of a recent study found an association between long-term training and metabolic disease prevention. The theory is that long-term exercise may alter muscular gene activity in a way that could help prevent the development of metabolic health issues such as diabetes and heart disease (conditions that millions of Americans suffer from).

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