Cayenne Pepper, a Healthy Food That’s Worth the Kick

The health benefits of cayenne peppers are touted all over the Internet. There is the cayenne cleanse for losing weight or curing digestive problems. It is reportedly good for constipation, allergies, gas and even hypertension. One health professional even stated that “'you can normalize blood pressure in three months with garlic, but when you add enough cayenne, it can happen in three days.”

Top 6 Ways Cumin Can Help You Get Healthier

Spices and herbs are great flavoring agents you can easily use in a variety of ways to prepare healthy meals. The tastier you make your healthy meals, the more likely you will eat them and continue cooking healthy meals.

Cinnamon. No Wonder it Used to Be the Spice of Kings

With the holidays quickly approaching, I can already smell the cinnamon in the air. Many of us have this aromatic spice in our spice cabinet but rarely use it until holiday festivities begin.

Make It Spicy! An Unusual Approach to Lowering Your Blood Pressure

It’s very easy to lose track of how much sodium you consume on a daily basis, especially if you eat processed foods. ”More than 75 percent of the sodium we eat comes from processed foods like canned soups, lunch meats and frozen dinners,” according to the American Heart Association (AHA).

Take Your Health to the Next Level with the Power of Ginger

Ginger root, more commonly called ginger, is a flowering plant believed to have originated in southeastern Asia. It was reportedly introduced to Jamaica in 1525, which may explain why many Jamaican dishes incorporate this delicious, aromatic spice. You may be familiar with Jamaican ginger beer, a refreshing non-alcoholic drink that can be enjoyed alone or used as a cocktail mixer.

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