Is Saffron the ‘Antidepressant’ We Didn’t Know We Needed?

Although saffron may be costly, its potential health benefits, specifically in regards to the brain, may make it priceless. There has been an extensive amount of research on this, and saffron is commonly called a neuroprotective agent.

A Few Pinches of Cinnamon May Boost Brain Function

If you are not adding cinnamon to your coffee, oatmeal, tea or even smoothie, you might want to consider starting asap. The potential health benefits of cinnamon have been discussed for quite some time, and now a recent study found evidence suggesting that consuming cinnamon may help with brain function particularly when it comes to memory and learning.

Benefits of Black Pepper You Didn't See Coming

Black pepper is one of the most widely used spices to enhance the flavor of savory (and sometimes sweet) dishes. And you probably don’t think you are doing much for your health when you put black pepper on your eggs in the mornings, or allow the server at the restaurant to sprinkle fresh ground pepper on your food.

Want to Live Longer? Spice Up Your Life!

Recent research has provided evidence suggesting that people who eat chili pepper may not only live longer but also have a reduced risk of death due to cardiovascular disease (which is one of the leading killers of American men and women) as well as cancer.

Turmeric May Help Fight Viruses. Here’s 10 Ways To Take It

You might also be feeling anxiety about the possibility of contracting COVID-19, but you can be proactive by taking care of your immune system and eating foods that potentially have antiviral properties.

Saffron, the Posh Spice

Saffron is like the Rolls-Royce of spices. It is one of the most expensive spices in the world by weight. This luxurious spice is derived from the flower Crocus sativus, a beautiful purple flower, more commonly known as the ‘saffron crocus.’ Reportedly, it takes about 1,000 flowers to produce just one ounce of saffron! That’s why it may cost you $10 to $13 dollars per gram.

Nuts for Nutmeg? You Should Be

The mere mention of nutmeg conjures up thoughts of our favorite cold weather treats, like eggnog and apple pie. But nutmeg and its cousin spice, mace, are much more than just dusted-on additions to holiday recipes.

Spice Rack Rules Every Mom Needs to Know

Like myself, you probably have a spice rack or cabinet at home which house a variety of dried herbs and spices. They have a very long shelf life and are great flavoring agents.

Love Oregano? Make Sure You Know How to Maximize its Health Benefits

Oregano is one of the “largest selling” culinary herbs. It is a fragrant herb which is native to the Mediterranean and is commonly used in Italian cooking. Reportedly, Americans consume 379,000 metric tons of oregano per year, and the majority of that is imported.

9 Herbs And Spices That Can Add Excitement To Your Life After 60

I recently came across a quote which stated that “aging can be fun if you lay back and enjoy it.” I thought about it for a while and concluded how wrong this thinking is.

Cilantro Is More Than A Pretty Garnish

Many people fail to realize that herbs like cilantro are not only great flavoring agents, but they are generally just as nutrient dense as the fruit and vegetables we eat.

Herbs & Spices! The Secret To Getting Kids to Eat More Veggies

We send our kids to school, hoping that they will attain the skills and knowledge they need to become successful, thriving and healthy adults. But our schools historically have not exactly received an A+ rating for providing healthy information and meals. And kids will have difficulty being truly successful as adults if they don’t have the tools and information to stay healthy.

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