It’s Time to Rethink Our Relationship with Potatoes

How could what had been known as a “miracle food” throughout history (they were first cultivated by the Incas around 8,000 B.C.) have fallen so far out of favor? And is this exile to the junk and frozen food aisles in our supermarkets warranted or deserved? 

June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month! Here’s What’s In Season

I think we should celebrate eating fresh fruits and veggies every month, but I’m excited to really dive into summer by going to the farmers market and taking advantage of what’s in season.

Rutabagas Are Healthy, But You May Want to Eat In Moderation (Along With Other Root Veggies)

Knowing how to eat is just as (if not more) important as knowing what to eat. I think it’s pretty much common knowledge that whole, unprocessed foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are far more healthier than nutrient-void, processed foods. I do, however, believe that many are unaware of how important it is to also know how to properly portion certain plant-based foods.

The Longevity Diet May Change The Way You Think About Protein And How You Eat In General

A 54-year-old neurologist by the name of Valter Longo said that he plans to live to 120 by following what he calls the longevity diet. Normally, I would gloss over such claims, however, check out this man’s accolades! Dr. Vongo is also author of the The Longevity Diet (a book published in 2016).

Kohlrabi is King

On a recent trip to my local farmers market, I came across an interesting looking piece of produce. It was a vibrant purple color, about the size of an orange and had lush leaves sprouting from the top. If a beet had a baby with a cabbage, to me this is what this plant would have been.

Parsnip: The Root Vegetable I Plan On Using A Lot of This Fall

Fall is the perfect time to eat root vegetables such as carrots, beets and potatoes. They are earthy, hearty and great for making soups. Another root veggie I plan on adding into the rotation is the parsnip.

What is “Reducetarianism,” and Should You Practice It?

What and how we eat is very complex. Some people practice intermittent fasting. And, of course, some identify as vegan, vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian (excludes all animal foods except eggs), pescatarian and omnivore (eats both plant and animal foods). There is even a flexitarian diet, which is essentially a person who eats plant-based the majority of the time but occasionally eats animal foods.

Stop Fiddling Around With Your Diet and Try Fiddlehead Ferns!

To be honest, I was shocked to see them at first because they looked like little green snakes on a plate! Because they are foraged and not grown, I guess fiddleheads are technically not a vegetable, however, they certainly taste like a vegetable and are extremely nutrient-dense like your more typical veggies.

5 Reasons You May Want to Make Bok Choy Your Go-To Veggie

Sometimes we need a break from our more basic vegetables in order to not get bored with our daily diet and fall back on junk foods for instant gratification. Lately I’ve been switching it up with bok choy.

Why You Should Try This Viral Green Goddess Dressing…ASAP!

In my search for some good summer dressings, I came across green goddess dressing and knew immediately that I had to make this. 

Following the Alkaline Diet is a Balancing Act. Literally!

One diet that has been embraced by many people is the alkaline diet. It is a diet that has even caught the attention of celebrities like Victoria Beckham, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston and Kelly Ripa. But in my opinion it is a diet that should be embraced by most people, because it isn’t a fad diet and is necessary for the proper functioning of our bodies.

Vitamin K Just Gave You More Reasons to Eat Your Green, Leafy Vegetables

Vitamin K (not to be confused with the cereal of a similar name!), was discovered in 1929 and got its moniker of vitamin K from the German word "Koagulationsvitamin" since it was originally identified as having an important role in our blood’s ability to clot after an injury like a cut. (Clotting prevents excessive internal or external bleeding). 

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