Healthy Living for Golf and Life

Wellness & Prevention

A story about how to stay healthy on and off the golf course.

By Kris Stiles, 7 years ago

As a young golfer, maintaining good health is very important to me.  I started playing golf at the age of 5, after “learning” on the Nintendo Wii.  Today, I am 15 and I’ve learned a lot about how to stay healthy to give me the best chance for success.  It’s not always easy, but it has been worth it for me.   I hope my healthy lifestyle story helps you in some way.  Here it goes.

  1. Drink alkaline water as much as possible. I drink alkaline water during my rounds and even off the course.
  2. Avoid drinks that contain high sugars.  Especially while I am playing, I stay away from soda and other sugary drinks.
  3. Eat as many vegetables and proteins as you can.  On and off the golf course I limit my junk food to stay healthy.   My go-to healthy snack on the course is a protein bar or a turkey sandwich on wheat bread.
  4. Work out at least 2 days a week. I not only do weight training but I also do cardio and plyometrics.

The most challenging part for me was giving up junk food because all my friends eat them daily, so I can't enjoy what they are doing.  I am lucky to have supportive parents that help me stay strong. If you are a parent reading this, you can help your kids by providing healthy choices like fruit instead of sugar candy for snacks. Give them water instead of juice.

My top motivation for staying healthy is for me to live the longest life possible, so that pushes me to eat healthier.  

Whatever your motivation, I hope this story helps you stay healthy and live a long, happy life.

Kris Stiles

My name is Kris Stiles and I am a top junior golfer. I took 2nd place in the Los Angeles City Junior Golf Championship April 8th-10th, 2017 Score 72-73-72. Stats: Bench Press 160lbs total, Back Squat: 275lbs total, Dead Lift: 315lbs. Golf Achievements: 3 Time U.S Kids California State Champion

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