Time to Celebrate My 94-Pound Weight Loss Over The Past 9 Months.
ObesityAfter losing 94 pounds, I finally reached my goal of 185. It is difficult to even recognize the person I was a year ago. My New Years resolution actually came true. Now that I have found my happy place, it is time to make sure that I stay there and help others. Here are a few things I learned on my journey.
It has been a little over 9 months since I tipped the scales at over 270 pounds. And yesterday, September 2, 2018, marks the day when I accomplished my goal of weighing 185 pounds.
And if you had asked me back in December when I started this journey how I would celebrate this accomplishment, I would tell you that I am going to my favorite bakery and get a large slice of German Chocolate cake.
But surprisingly, I did not feel the urge to get my favorite German Chocolate cake from my favorite bakery. Instead, I went shopping for clothes to accommodate my new body. I actually went from a waist size of 40 to 32!
And what was even more surprising is that I also celebrated by reflecting in amazement on all that I learned over the past 9 months. It was a lot!
Some of the things I learned during the past 9 months?
- The importance of not going on a ‘diet’ when trying to become healthy. Instead I learned the importance of making wise food choices. So for example, I make the effort to include healthy portions of fresh fruits and veggies in my diet daily. Diets to me imply something temporary. I simply choose my foods wisely and this means avoiding processed and junk foods 95% of the time.
- How to find fun physical activities to do so as part of my daily routine so I do not always feel as though I am working out to lose weight. It means finding things to do which keeps me moving such as hiking, swimming, golf, etc.
- How to literally run from depression and drugs
- How to communicate better
- How to have a purpose in life
- How to set goals and actually achieve them
- The value of real family
I also get annual nutrient tests to make sure I am getting the right amounts of nutrients from the foods I eat like water, fats, minerals, vitamins, carbs and protein. This sounds crazy but we compete at home among ourselves about who has the best nutritional profile as well as who has the best body composition. (And sometimes the loser may even have to pick up after the dogs for a week!) Anyways, having the right amount of nutrients is important to keep me healthy and balanced. And as long as I stay balanced, I am less likely to get sick, feel sluggish, depressed or weak.
Finally, I have learned to ask for help when I need it. Strangely, in the past when I had problems, I never thought about reaching out for advice or help. This has become a much easier task for me now. And I have many people around me willing to help and provide guidance when I have concerns.
All this knowledge has made me a stronger, more educated, more confident and more empowered human being. I really think I finally figured out this game of life thing or getting close. I now have goals to achieve and more importantly, I have a purpose to my life. All this is worth celebrating. And yes, I am proud of myself!
I do not plan to forget what I have learned during the past 9 months because barring some health condition outside of my control, my previous mindset and the excess weight will not be returning. As long as I am in control of my mind and body, I will remain a mentally and physically healthy person.
What better motivation to give back so others can have similar good experiences like myself.? This is why I have agreed to “pay it forward” and help as many people as I can be healthier and happier. I have learned quite a bit from my experiences with drugs, depression and obesity. So whenever you want to talk, let’s have a conversation and learn from each other. Share your story and let me know what you are going through and I will try my best to help you get to a healthier and happier place.