Why You May Want to Get Up Close and Personal with Contact Thermography

By Joy Stephenson-Laws, J.D., Founder
When it comes to our health, there is so much that the naked eye alone cannot see. For example, we can’t see (or often feel for that matter) diabetes, hypertension or even heart disease. And the same holds true for certain types of fat your body may have.
Types of body fat.
There are two main types of fat cells: white fat cells and brown fat cells.
“White fat cells are found in the body's connective tissues, usually beneath the skin (subcutaneous fat) and in the abdominal cavity (visceral fat),” according to one Medical Xpress report.
“Brown fat cells, on the other hand, were traditionally believed to be found only in newborn babies and would disappear in infancy. Later, research showed that brown fat cells exist in the body throughout your life. Brown fat cells are located in regions between the shoulder blades, neck, along the spinal cord, and above the collarbone. But they can emerge in other parts of the body such as around the vital organs, where they turn food into heat.”
To put it simply, you definitely do not want too much white fat. Having excessive white fat can increase your risk for metabolic syndrome. Brown fat does the opposite and may even help protect you from obesity and diabetes, according to a recent study.

Then there is beige fat
“These cells act like brown fat cells, but are found in similar areas as white fat cells. Beige fat cells are derived from white fat in a process called ‘browning’ which is triggered by exposure to low temperatures, typically 3°C above a person's shivering temperature point, which is around 11°C for women and around 9°C for men,” reports Medical Xpress.
(This is why cryotherapy may be great for reducing dangerous fat).
As mentioned earlier, we can’t really see how much of each type of fat we have or where it is located in the body. Sure, you can probably determine whether you are overweight or assess if you carry too much fat in your belly (visceral fat), however, there are plenty of people who look like they are at a healthy weight but have too much white fat.
And then, of course, there is cellulite. Cellulite is very common, especially in women, and it usually appears on the thighs and buttocks. Although cellulite is very visible to the human eye, you can also have cellulite that you may not even be able to see.
So, as we can see (pun intended), body fat is a complex topic and it can be somewhat sneaky. There is, however, a solution, and it’s called contact thermography.
In a nutshell, contact thermography is a tool that allows us to see what’s going on underneath the skin by detecting differences in temperature between different types of fats. It’s non-invasive, pain-free and utilizes Encapsulated Liquid Crystal plates to locate fat precisely.
Hardened fat is usually reflected on the crystal plates as brown or black zones which are the coldest. Soft fat is usually reflected on the crystal plates as violet, blue and azure which are the warmest.
Hard fat is more dangerous fat and is usually packed around the body’s vital organs. What’s also great about contact thermography is that it can detect cellulite in its earliest stages before you can even see it.
In this blog, I am discussing contact thermography as it relates to locating different types of fat in the body, but to give you an idea of how powerful this tool really is, contact thermography may also be used as a diagnostic tool for breast cancer. Contact thermography has actually been around since the 1970s, but I think so many people still do not know about it.
So how do we eliminate fat?
First and foremost, maintaining a healthy and nutrient-rich diet as well as exercising regularly can go a very long way. You can’t really achieve healthy body fat levels without doing this. Sometimes fat in certain areas can be particularly stubborn.
To address stubborn fat, I highly recommend Cryo T-Shock therapy.
The Cryo T-Shock involves the use of a very innovative technology which identifies exactly where troublesome fat is located and delivers alternating “thermal shocks” of thermography (heat therapy) and cryotherapy (cold therapy). It is more frequently utilized for its ability to destroy fat cells and cellulite as well as sculpt the face and body. Cryotherapy hyper stimulates the skin and tissue which speeds up the cellular activities and immediately improves the appearance of the skin by tightening it. This therapy also causes the blood vessels and capillaries to expand by up to 400% and contributes to improved skin appearance due to increased circulation and permeability of the skin.
Many people compare Cryo T-Shock to Cool Sculpting, but they are very different procedures. Cool Scullpting is usually more expensive and available for fat loss. Unlike Cryo T-Shock, Cool Sculpting is not available for skin tightening, facials, lymphatic drainage, pain relief or cellulite reduction and there is no utilization of themography. .
To learn more, click here. And for additional info regarding contact thermography, read here.
Enjoy your healthy life!
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice. Please consult with your doctor or another competent healthcare practitioner to get specific medical advice for your situation.
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