Turn Disrespect For Ourselves to Self-Respect


Proactive Health

By Joy Stephenson-Laws, JD, Founder

We want respect from others but rarely do we ask ourselves - Am I giving myself the respect I need and deserve? Our minds and bodies are the precious vessels that carry us through life. They are our forever homes. Respecting these forever homes is key in attaining healthy and happy longevity. If you disrespect yourself in any of the following ways, it’s definitely time to be proactive and make a change. Remember, the most important relationship in your life is the one with yourself.

  • Talking to yourself negatively

If you look in the mirror and say, I’m so fat or I look awful, this is a major form of self-disrespect. I would argue it is one of the most detrimental. If you keep berating yourself and having such negative thought patterns, this can create brain pathways that may cause you to constantly harbor toxic thoughts. These toxic thoughts can then lead to bad habits. You may not even realize how much of a bully you are to yourself because you bully yourself so often.

There is a reason why we teach young children positive affirmations. It’s because they work! Say something nice about yourself the next time you look in the mirror. Respect yourself by loving yourself at every stage of life. It’s okay to want to lose weight, but instead of calling yourself fat, thank your body for all that it has done for you in this life. Maybe you have birthed children or perhaps you are a current or former athlete. Whatever the case may be, talk to yourself kindly because this is the respect your body deserves. 

  • Constantly eating processed junk foods

This isn’t to say that you can never indulge, however, it is a good idea to understand that constantly eating nutrient-void junk foods is disrespectful to the mind and body because such foods can contribute to the development of depression, obesity, diabetes, dementia, cancer and more.

Respect and nourish yourself with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, healthy carbs (this includes potatoes), lean protein and water.

  • Drinking too much alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption abuses the mind and body. There is just no other way to put it. It can lead to the development of serious diseases including cancer and depression. Alcohol also depletes the body of essential vitamins and minerals.

Because there is no healthy amount of alcohol, I personally prefer to live a sober life. I sleep very well, my skin always looks hydrated and I never have to cure a hangover! If you prefer to moderate, it’s important to know exactly how much alcohol is too much alcohol.

  • Smoking

I think this goes without saying. We all know smoking can contribute to cancer and other health issues. It can also wreak havoc on the skin (the body’s largest organ) and make teeth yellow. If you currently smoke, quitting would be a huge act of not only self-improvement but also self-respect.

  • Being sedentary.

If you respect your mind and body, you give them what they need. The mind and body craves consistent movement. Exercise increases blood flow, helping keep blood vessels healthy. Move as much as you can throughout the day even if it is a five minute walk between work calls. If you can regularly get outside, you might find that you are mentally much more stable.

  • Always putting others before yourself.

I know this resonates with a lot of you reading this. Parenting, caring for elderly parents or being that friend that everyone can count on can be very taxing. You may constantly respect and honor other people’s wishes, but what about your own? What do you need? It’s okay to set boundaries or prioritize your needs. Take the morning yoga class, tell your kids you need 30 minutes every night to mediate or treat yourself to a spa day. We’ve all heard the saying you have to fill your cup before you fill the cups of others. I like to say you have to fill your cup to fill your life. That is the responsibility of every individual. No one can make you happy. Our happiness and health is our responsibility.

  • Not getting enough sleep.

You know who you are. You should be getting more than five hours of sleep every night. I know it’s hard, but I highly recommend trying to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Respect your body by giving it the rest it needs. It’s really that simple. I highly recommend checking out this pH blog on the importance of sleep.

I hope this blog inspires you to really love and respect yourself. You deserve it. If you are really struggling, I recommend also reading Attract More Abundance in Your Daily Life.


Enjoy your healthy life!

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice. Please consult with your doctor or another competent healthcare practitioner to get specific medical advice for your situation.                                           

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