Pregnant or Not, You Need Folate!

There are so many nutrients our bodies need to function at its best, and for us to feel our best. The amount of nutrients we need may depend on our age, sex, lifestyle and genetics. For example, some of us may need more vitamin C than the recommended daily allowance (RDA) because of a defective gene.

5 Benefits of Eating Kumquats Everyone Should Know

Recently, I visited Armstrong Garden Centers in my neighborhood to add some fruit trees to my existing collection of guavas, oranges, lemons and grapefruits. My goal was to diversify and add some other fruit trees that would be low maintenance and be equally, or more, nutritious than the ones I currently have. With the help of the salesperson, I discovered kumquats and took a few of them home to plant in my garden.

Lychee: The “Dangerous” Fruit With Amazing Health Benefits

You may have heard about lychees in the news not long ago. Children living near lychee orchards in India were waking up screaming and crying beginning in mid-May. They had seizures, comas and even died in about 40 percent of cases. Then in July, the monsoon rains came and the outbreak would end. This happened each year. Finally, scientists were able to pinpoint the cause -- the lychees were being eaten on an empty stomach by malnourished children.

The Surprising Reason I Need More Vitamin C Than The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)

Vitamin C is one of those popular nutrients that I have heard about for most of my life. I have read or been told that I need to eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies to ensure that I get enough of this popular vitamin. And when I don’t have time to eat enough fresh produce, there are many tasty vitamin C supplements that will fill the void.

Probiotics vs. Prebiotics: What’s the difference?

You may have heard about health benefits of probiotics, which have been rising in popularity in recent years. These “good” bacteria may help with constipation, diarrhea, anxiety, depression and more. But you may not be familiar with prebiotics. They are not the same thing.

5 healthy reasons you may want to choose gelato over ice cream

Gelato recently went viral after i-Creamy, a gelato store in Sydney, Australia, posted the most gorgeous photos of their flower-shaped gelato on Instagram. However, though beautiful, it’s the health benefits we’re most excited about.

Hot topic: Why my spicy food passion may be the secret sauce for good health!

I’m wondering if this Inferno Pizza Challenge will steal my last breath here on earth. An entire pizza, eight total slices, 12” in diameter, with jalapeños, habaneros and ghost peppers laced throughout, sits in front of me.

Worried about when to introduce your baby to peanuts? New guidelines say earlier may be better!

You’ll never guess what we recently learned about peanuts! In a study where children and adults with a peanut allergy wore a patch exposing them to peanut protein, they actually increased their tolerance to the nut over time (read here!). The new study suggests recommendations for exposing babies to peanuts early on to stop allergies before they even begin.

How to give up sugar and still feel good

Love your sweets and just can’t get enough? Then you’ve probably been warned about the risks of too much sugar plenty of times (obesity, diabetes and heart disease, to name a few). But have you ever thought about the way your sugar habit affects your mood?

Superfood chayote: Why this staple in Jamaica should be a staple on your table

Chayote is a fast-growing, sun-loving, nutritious vegetable that, left untethered, can completely take over a garden, fence or tree in your yard. In fact, that’s what happened to me. I recently found vines of chayotes sprawling across several of my trees! I totally forgot that I had bought one from Whole Foods a few years ago and planted it in my yard. I was able to pick three mature chayotes from the tree to eat -- a little taste of home.

Is guava a superfruit? The health benefits may have you searching high and low for it

Guava is a tropical fruit with light green or yellow skin, and a tasty inside that ranges in color from white or yellow to its infamous bright coral pink. If you’re wondering what guava tastes like, it’s been described as a mix of pear and strawberry – but nothing quite compares to trying this fruit for yourself! If its vibrant color and unique taste don’t have you convinced, then read on to learn a little bit more about the many health benefits of guava.

World Health Organization gets proactive to fight diabetes and obesity

Do you love soda? Nearing possible addiction? This is nothing to be ashamed of, and the World Health Organization feels your pain and wants to help. Sugar-sweetened beverages are a significant contributor to the worldwide rise in obesity and diabetes, WHO said. In fact, obesity has at least doubled since 2014, and diabetes has risen to nearly 10 percent of the worldwide population.

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