Not Sure What Your New Year’s Resolutions Should Be? Here Are 9 Blue Zone Lifestyle Habits to Consider

If you regularly read pH blogs, you have seen that I constantly discuss chronic inflammation in Americans. Many in the health and wellness space refer to chronic inflammation as “inflammaging,” because it accelerates aging and promotes illness (thus making it more challenging to live a long and healthy life).

Take a Deep Breath Means Taking a Belly Breath

I recently realized that when I am stressed, I tend to be more of a chest breather as opposed to a belly breather. It’s as if my neck, shoulders and chest tighten up and I forget that a proper, invigorating breath should really come deep down from the belly.

What You Need to Know About Tattoos and the Immune System

Summer is a popular time for tattoos. People are at the beach, wearing less clothing in general due to the warmer weather. What better time to show off a new tattoo? I don’t have any tattoos nor have I ever had a desire to get one, but I am still interested in how this body art may affect the internal body.

Why a Ferritin Test Should Be Part of Every Young Woman’s Proactive Health Routine

When young girls start to grow up and go through adolescence, they are told all about menstrual products and how to get properly fitted for a bra. They may even be told what their birth control options are and what they can expect at their first visit to the gynecologist. What they are not taught, however, is how important it is to take a ferritin test.

No One Wants to be Left Out in the Cold? Or Do They?

A few days ago, I was mindlessly scrolling Facebook and the photo below caught my attention. I stopped scrolling when I saw this group of babies outdoors.

There is No One-Size-Fits-All to Choosing Mouthwash. Here’s What You Need to Know.

The variety of options can be overwhelming when it comes to mouthwashes, especially if you have no guidance or do not know the current status of your oral health.

Breathe. Let Go. Relax. April is National Stress Awareness Month

If there is one thing we can count on in life, it’s that there will always be events and circumstances that cause stress. If the thought of this alone stresses you out, I think it’s time to reevaluate your relationship with stress. The “s word” is not necessarily a bad thing.

Yes, You Can Be Red Light Deficient.

Red light therapy (RLT) is a very trendy topic these days. Everyone is talking about it. As someone who is a big advocate of RLT, I’m happy to see how much traction it is gaining.

Have The Blues? Consider Ocean Therapy

Many of us have experienced going to the beach, walking past the shoreline and letting the ocean’s water submerge our feet. We take a deep breath, smell the salty air, and exhale. It’s relaxing, rejuvenating and even relieving. I used to casually refer to this experience as ocean therapy.

‘Slugging’ is the TikTok Skin Trend, But Will It Help Fight Winter Dryness?

Try slugging if you want, but I also think it is important to make sure that the skin is properly exfoliated so that products such as our moisturizers can actually penetrate the skin and do their job. If your skin is not properly exfoliated, then slugging is not going to be as effective.

Skin Issues? T-Shock May Be Just What You Need!

After Diana cleansed and exfoliated my skin, it felt like my face could breathe again. Then, came the fun part - the T-Shock treatment. T-Shock uses a wand that transitions from hot to cold to improve elasticity, tighten and brighten the skin. Not only does this treatment stimulate the production of collagen, it also aids in lymphatic drainage which is huge for health and appearance of the skin.

Give Your Hair Some Much Needed TLC With Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is popular for treating skin issues such as wrinkles, acne, scars, sun damage and more. The light is absorbed by the skin and can stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and other molecules that are important for healthy skin. So it makes sense that red light therapy would have a positive influence on hair growth and health, especially when you look at it from the perspective that hair grows from your scalp which is skin.

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