Colorectal Cancer Can Be Devastating! Be Proactive.
I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Lawrence Meadows, brother of popular broadcast journalist Craig Melvin. At just 39-years-old, Meadows was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer back in 2016. He lost the battle against this devastating cancer in December of 2020 at the age of 43. It is quite haunting that actor Chadwick Boseman passed before Meadows at the same age due to having colon cancer as well. And when I think about these young men, I also think about my own brother who died of this cancer at the age of 65.
5 Tips For a Healthy Colon
I think I speak for many people when I say that I am still devastated by the death of actor Chadwick Boseman, who died of colon cancer almost one year ago at the age of 43. His death was a shock, because he was young, appeared to be in good physical shape and even played a superhero when he starred in the film Black Panther. Colon cancer (also sometimes called colorectal cancer), however, is being found in younger people (under the age of 50).
The Magic of Mushrooms In Cancer Prevention
What is particularly special about mushrooms is that they are one of the few non-fortified food sources of vitamin D (which is a nutrient that is essential for bone health and may help prevent acute respiratory infections). They are also a good source of plant-based protein and may even aid in cancer prevention.
Cutting Calories to Cut Cancer
Usually, when people think of a low-fat, low-sugar diet, they think of deprivation and maybe even how they might feel hungry if they follow such a diet. When we think of “cutting calories,” we tend to think of all that we can’t have. In reality, it’s really about replacing with healthier foods.
It’s My Body That Had Cancer, Not Me!
My first reaction to my stage 3 cancer diagnosis was not “Why me?” It was: “OK, so, what is the solution here and what is the next step?” I think my being so matter of fact and solution-focused about the diagnosis may have startled my doctors somewhat. In fact, one of them later told me that 90 percent of cancer patients react to this type of news with a combination of incredulity and fear. “Why is this happening to me?” is usually the response of many patients. I simply refused to be fearful of this disease. I made the decision there and then that I would do all I could to help my mind, body and spirit work together as a team in order for my body to beat the cancer.
Want to Live Longer? Spice Up Your Life!
Recent research has provided evidence suggesting that people who eat chili pepper may not only live longer but also have a reduced risk of death due to cardiovascular disease (which is one of the leading killers of American men and women) as well as cancer.
Are Diet Sodas & Cigarettes the ‘Perfect Storm’ For Bladder Cancer?
John Daly, who is 54-years-old, said that he is still shocked by his diagnosis but remains hopeful, as his bladder cancer was caught early. The golf champ has been a smoker and admitted to having a diet soda habit.
In Shocking News, Actor Chadwick Boseman Dies From Colon Cancer. We Must Be Proactive.
How could this have happened to someone so young, so accomplished and someone who appeared to be in great physical shape? Recent research has shown that rates of colorectal cancer (which is cancer that occurs in the colon or rectum) have been on the rise and continue to rise in younger populations.
A Cancer Diagnosis Is Scary, But Exercise May Scare Cancer Away
Receiving a cancer diagnosis has to be one of the scariest things that can happen to you in life. The uncertainty. The lack of control. The feeling of being absolutely helpless. When it comes to cancer, one person’s prognosis may be very different from the next person’s, however, exercise may be just the ‘medicine’ someone with cancer needs.
Can Cryotherapy Freeze Prostate Cancer To Death?
I’m confident in saying that I know a lot about cryotherapy, but I never really thought much about the use of cryotherapy to treat prostate cancer until I came across a recent article about it. With the exception of skin cancers, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men, according to the American Cancer Society.
American Cancer Society’s Updated Guidelines In Cancer Prevention
The American Cancer Society recently updated their guidelines regarding diet and physical activity in regards to preventing cancer (the last update was conducted in 2012). Changes to the guidelines include recommendations to get more physical activity, eating less or no processed meat or red meat and avoiding alcohol or drinking less of it.
11 Sun Safety Tips To Avoid Skin Cancer
May is skin cancer awareness month. And with all 50 states taking initiatives towards reopening, people are finally out and about in the sun. What better time to discuss skin cancer and sun protection?
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