Learn About Collard Greens - The Veggie Fuzzy Zoeller Told Tiger Woods Not to Serve

Back in 1997 when Tiger Woods was just 21-years-old, he won the Masters Tournament. It was a big deal! Woods was the youngest player ever to win the Masters. He also made history as the first African-American to win this major golf tournament.

The Diet-Cancer Link - Evidence Keeps Mounting

We’ve published numerous articles over the past several years about the impact diet and nutrition can have on reducing the risk of developing diseases, including certain cancers. There are links between diet and cancers such as lymphoma, brain, prostate and breast cancer (among other types of cancer). This supports the claim that what you eat has a direct impact on every aspect of your health, including your body’s ability to resist certain cancers.

Horseradish Packs a Lot of Heat and Health Benefits

Horseradish is not exactly what I would call your “everyday condiment.” In fact, most people consume it pretty rarely - perhaps in a Bloody Mary or paired with a reuben sandwich.

Yet Another Reason to Pile Your Plate With Broccoli

We all need the nutrients found in broccoli for proper body functioning and our wellbeing. Broccoli contains nutrients, such as fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A and folate. These nutrients are necessary to help our bodies fight off diseases such as depression, dementia, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Red Meat Consumption Linked to Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer. How Much is Too Much?

George Bernard Shaw, a famous Irish playwright, author and political activist born in 1856 once said, "The average age of a meat-eater is 63. I am on the verge of 85 and still at work as hard as ever. I have lived quite long enough and am trying to die; but I simply cannot do it. A single beef-steak; would finish me; but I cannot bring myself to swallow it. I am oppressed with a dread of living forever. That is the only disadvantage of vegetarianism."

Are Walnuts the New Secret Weapon in Fighting Breast Cancer?

More than likely, you know someone who has had their life impacted by breast cancer. You may even be currently fighting it or have survived breast cancer.

Hawaii’s Legal Smoking Age May Increase to 100. Why We All Should Care

According to one news report, the bill in Hawaii “...aims to raise the legal minimum age to purchase or possess cigarettes to 30 by next year, 40 by 2021, 50 by 2022, 60 by 2023 and 100 by 2024. The timetable would allow the state to plan for a loss in cigarette tax revenue…” When you take a look at statistics which show how damaging smoking cigarettes is to our health, Hawaii’s timetable really makes sense.

“I Will Beat This, I Will Be Back.” Roman Reigns Steps Out of the Ring to Wrestle Leukemia

If you watch WWE wrestling, you have probably seen Roman Reigns perform in the ring under the spotlight. He weighs 265 pounds and is 6 feet 3 inches tall. And with his incredible athletic achievements, you might even think he is superhuman.

You’re Not Too Young to Get Colorectal Cancer!

If you do a simple Google search of “colorectal cancer and young people,” you will see far too many recent stories about people under the age of 40 afflicted by this type of cancer. It is reportedly the third most common cancer in both men and women in the United States. It is also the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in American people, according to the American Cancer Society.

Microsoft Co-Founder Dies From Lymphoma. Let’s Find Out How We Can Be Proactive

On October 15th, 2018, Microsoft co-founder, technologist, philanthropist, billionaire (which he became at 37-years-old) Paul Allen lost his battle to cancer at the age of 65. The type of cancer Allen fought was lymphoma - not really a cancer you hear about as often as other cancers like lung or breast.

Let’s Talk About Bile & Bile Duct Cancer

"It's not until they tell you you're going to die soon that you realize how short life is. Time is the most valuable thing in life because it never comes back. " Above are wise words posted on Twitter by actor Stefan Karl Stefansson before he recently lost his battle to bile duct cancer.

Pancreatic Cancer Has No Respect! Took Aretha Franklin at 76

Whether you are a millennial, gen x or baby boomer, you have most likely been moved by Aretha Franklin’s music at some point in your life. She was the “Queen of Soul,” with a singing career that spanned more than five decades.

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