Are Sardines A Man’s Best Friend...When It Comes To Anti-Aging?

Are five cans of sardines per day just what the doctor ordered? Particularly when it comes to men’s health? First, what exactly is a sardine? Besides just, to put it frankly, a smelly fish?

Is Vitamin D The New Viagra?

Even though there is evidence which shows that men who have children later in life may live longer and have children that may live longer, the young age of 35 is still considered advanced paternal age. And as you can probably imagine, Formula One mogul Bernie Ecclestone has received a lot of flak for having a child when he is nearly 90.

5 Reasons Men Really Need to Watch the Booze

It’s currently National Men’s Health Month. And regardless of age, men who drink excessively may want to consider significantly cutting back the amount they drink.

Men, You Need to Take This to Heart

There is no shortage of pH Labs blogs discussing heart disease, but I think it’s worth adding yet another one to the board considering heart disease is still the leading cause of death for both women and men in the United States.

Men, It’s Time to Man Up and Get a Physical!

It turns out that most men would rather do household chores (72 percent) or go shopping with their wives or significant others (77 percent) than go to the doctor for a physical. To give you more perspective, one thing men like even less than going to the doctor is going on a blind date (65 percent said they would pick going to the doctor). Go figure!

Think Testosterone is Only Good For Sexual and Physical Prowess? Think Again!

We’re all familiar with the role that testosterone (T, for short), plays in a man’s physical development and the ongoing functioning of his body once he reaches adulthood. These include well-known and typically “manly man” attributes such as muscles; secondary sex characteristics such as pubic and facial hair; the Adam’s apple; a deeper voice than a woman’s; aggressiveness; and sexual function. T also helps maintain strong bones, keeps physical energy levels high and may improve mood.

Be proactive! Do your research before using male herbal supplements

You may have heard about the recent case of a famous athlete who was found unconscious after taking excessive amounts of sex-enhancing herbal supplements. Even though we may never know the whole story, we know there are inherent risks with excess use of stimulants, even if they are “herbal.” There are also risks of possible drug interactions, supplements being laced with undeclared sexual enhancers like Viagra- and Cialis-like substances, and possible contamination with unhealthy ingredients.

Demystifying gout

You have probably heard family members, usually elderly relatives, talk about “having an attack of the gout.” You may have even talked about it yourself without really knowing what it is and why it occurs. Given all the misinformation out there about gout, and that the incidence of gout has been increasing in recent years, it’s time to demystify gout so you know how to be proactive about it.

ED? You’re not alone

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is far more common than you may think, with erectile frequency and functionality decreasing over time for the majority of men. The National Institute of Health estimates that some type of ED affects at least 18-30 million men in the U.S. And a recent study among Massachusetts men found that about 40 percent of those in their 40’s experienced some form of ED, with the percentage increasing to 50 percent for men in their 50’s and 60 percent for men in their 60’s.

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