Get rid of your headaches naturally
Anyone who has had headaches knows – headaches can really get in the way. They interrupt your work schedule and keep you sidelined from your favorite activities. They can cost you in lost time and productivity at work, plus there may be costs associated with treatment. Usually headaches can be controlled with pain medication and rest. However, painkillers can cause their own set of adverse effects.
WrestleMania deaths and dangers lurking in the gym
A recent article reported the premature death of another former WrestleMania participant and a pattern of early deaths among other participants. Compared to statistics for the general population, death rates seem to be much higher among this group. So what is going on? It’s no secret that gym users typically care about their body shape and weight. But some go too far for the physique they want and actually risk their health.
Be proactive about your joint pain
Joint pain occurs inside or around a single joint connecting two bones, and it can have a multitude of causes. For kids and young adults, joint pain typically comes from injuries (such as falls, sports trauma or accidents), which usually heal after a few weeks. However, joint pain in the middle and later years of life is often related to wear and tear or inflammation, and tends to be more chronic. Statistically, 1/3 of the population has arthritis in one or more joints by the age of 65. With age, joint pain tends to increase, but it does not have to be inevitable.
Be proactive to prevent opioid addiction
Addiction to opioids such as morphine, heroin and prescription painkillers is a growing global problem. Generally, opioids have an important role in the treatment of certain types of pain, but they have inherent risks and side effects, including being highly addictive. Even infrequent use can lead to dependence.
Everything you need to know about kidney stones
Kidney stones can be unpleasant, to say the least. But if you know what symptoms to watch for, how to prevent them and what your treatment options are, you’ll have the upper hand when it comes to fending off kidney stones.
A natural option for joint pain relief
One in five adults in the U.S. report having doctor-diagnosed arthritis. It’s a common problem. The pain can be anywhere from mild to severe, but either way, it’s unpleasant. So it makes sense that someone would try different medications to find some relief. But then those medications may end up causing other issues such as gastrointestinal damage. Shouldn’t there be a way to get some joint relief without the unwanted side effects? You do have options. One of them may be Kaprex, by Metagenics.
Demystifying gout
You have probably heard family members, usually elderly relatives, talk about “having an attack of the gout.” You may have even talked about it yourself without really knowing what it is and why it occurs. Given all the misinformation out there about gout, and that the incidence of gout has been increasing in recent years, it’s time to demystify gout so you know how to be proactive about it.
Try simple lifestyle changes to ease fibromyalgia pain
There are currently about 5 million adults living with fibromyalgia in the U.S. It could be your co-worker, boss, friend, family member – or even you. With millions of people struggling with this condition, let’s take a few minutes to make sure you’re well informed on not only what it is, but also how it can be addressed in everyday life. Read on to get the info you need.
Popping pills for pains?
The U.S. is one of the richest, most privileged countries in the world — and also the most avid consumers of pain pills, according to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control. We take twice as many opioid pain-relievers per person as Canada does (they are #2 on the dubious list of pill-popping nations).
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