Why You Should Always Address Injuries Before Going to Chiropractor

Recently, a 29-year-old woman died after getting her neck adjusted by a chiropractor. Reportedly, she first injured her neck while working out. What happened?

Practicing Mindfulness May Be What’s Missing From Your Proactive Health Arsenal

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Focus. I now want you to imagine biting into a big, juicy lemon wedge. What did you notice? I bet you started to salivate or maybe even felt a tingling sensation in your mouth. You may have even puckered. That’s how powerful your thoughts are.

We Must Be Proactive About Osteoarthritis, The Most Common Kind of Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease, meaning that it worsens over time.

I Tried Acupuncture for the First Time. Better Sleep, More Relaxation

If you look at a person who is receiving acupuncture treatment, he or she may look like a human pin cushion. It may look painful, but trust me it is not bad at all if done properly.

6 Ways I Improved My Joint Health and Became Pain Free

After 30 years of playing golf, I developed some pain in my left shoulder. To be honest, the pain was pretty annoying with a burning sensation. I suspected a heart problem with the shoulder pain because heart disease runs in my family. But after having an MRI, I discovered I had mild osteoarthritis (often called “wear-and-tear”), mild tendinosis (makes sense because one of the symptoms is burning) and mild bursitis. 

What Made Actor Liam Neeson Cry in Pain and How Can You Be Proactive About It?

The culprit behind Liam Neeson’s excruciating pain may come as a surprise to you. It was apparently caffeine.

Opioids Not Your Best Option for Dental Pain - Here’s Why

Given that your dentist may at some point offer you a prescription for an opioid painkiller after a procedure, there are some things you should keep in mind before heading to your local pharmacy.

Credible Research Continues to Demonstrate Whole-Body Cryotherapy Benefits

It is often difficult to separate fact from hype about the benefits of the latest “medical miracle,” and especially when it may be endorsed by celebrities. This is very true for cryotherapy – and specifically whole body cryotherapy (WBC) – which boasts a wide variety of well-known adherents. Many people swear it helps with everything from reducing muscle pain after strenuous workouts, firming sagging skin, losing weight and getting a mood boost.

Having Surgery? Consider Swapping Marijuana for Acupuncture to Manage the Pain

Research continues to suggest that medical marijuana and CBD are effective in treating chronic pain as well as a variety of other conditions. These include sleep disorders, anxiety, chemotherapy-induced nausea and even seizure disorders. But recent studies suggest that cannabis may actually have the exact opposite effect when it comes to surgical and other acute pain.

Laser Away Your Pain!

A recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 50 million Americans live with chronic pain. Pain is complicated, because it can be difficult to identify the source of it, treat it and live with it!

Cryotherapy Could Help Fight America’s Opioid Epidemic

The mother in this article discusses her experience with having her teenage son’s wisdom teeth pulled. Before the procedure was even done, the dentist prescribed her son Percocet, an opioid.

Country Music Icon Willie Nelson Says He’s Given Up Smoking Weed, But It’s Complicated

Country music icon Willie Nelson has always been known as a marijuana smoker. But recently, the 86-year-old announced that he has given up smoking weed.

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