What are the “benefits” of acupuncture and does it really work?

Based in traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture involves having thin needles placed in your skin. Practitioners say they choose specific areas of the body to modify the flow of energy in order to relieve physical or emotional ailments. They say that when an acupuncture needle is inserted into the body, the body releases endorphins that decrease sensations of pain and trigger the immune system to kick in.

What is oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress – it’s one of those words that gets tossed around without much explanation. Who really knows what it means? Well, fear not, today is the day that all changes for you. Take a few minutes to understand what oxidative stress is and how it affects your long-term health. With this information, you can take proactive steps to help you enjoy life to the fullest.

Workplace stress and proactive solutions

Statistics show that many Americans are working harder than ever for less, as productivity and demands skyrocket and wages stagnate. And all this work-related stress is harmful to your health. A study by researchers at Harvard Business School and Stanford University compares its damage to secondhand smoke. Their report found that high job demands increased the odds of illness diagnosis by 35 percent, and that long work hours increased the changes of early death by almost 20 percent.

Get to the root cause of anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental health problems in the United States. It can negatively impact a person’s quality of life and disrupt important activities of daily living, and it may sometimes overlap with panic disorder and depression.

Are you at risk for shingles? Be proactive

A diagnosis of shingles, also called “herpes zoster,” is one of the most common in the primary care and urgent care settings. The CDC says 1 in 3 people in the U.S. will develop it at some point in his or her lifetime. What can you do to recognize this infectious disease?

Get rid of your headaches naturally

Anyone who has had headaches knows – headaches can really get in the way. They interrupt your work schedule and keep you sidelined from your favorite activities. They can cost you in lost time and productivity at work, plus there may be costs associated with treatment. Usually headaches can be controlled with pain medication and rest. However, painkillers can cause their own set of adverse effects.

Reasons why you can’t lose weight

Many people are convinced that they are doing the “right stuff,” like eating salad and exercising, but they're still not getting rid of that extra weight. If this sounds like you, you're probably on the right track but you're just missing that one key element that will unlock your weight loss potential. There may be something holding you back, whether mentally or physically.

Your Summer Heart Check-Up: Catch early warning signs before they become serious problems

Summer is a good time to think about heart health. Fresh produce is abundant, providing a bounty of antioxidants. And you can enjoy more time outdoors, soaking up some vitamin D from the sun. Perhaps you're more active, taking advantage of the weather and going for a nice bike ride. Or you just got back from a family vacation, where you finally got that much needed rest and relaxation.

All burnt out? Check your hormone levels

There can be a multitude of reasons why your energy has gone from zip-zip to zero. You might be juggling a few more things than you want to. Your job or personal life may be sucking up all your energy. Or perhaps you’re lacking in the sleep department, or making food choices that are making you more sluggish. In some cases, you may have an undetected disease that’s draining you.

Let it go: The health benefits of leisure time

So many articles harp on how much TV Americans watch, and how we should better spend our time exercising. And, while there is no question that exercising is important because it improves your physical health and reduces stress, studies show leisure activities – including watching TV – also have health benefits.

Douse inflammation by keeping infections under control

Your body constantly fights off a multitude of minor infections, but some still persist. And when they do, they may cause you problems. There’s increasing evidence that chronic low-grade infections may cause inflammation affecting the whole body. This is because inflammation is the body’s attempt to protect itself and remove the harmful issues. Let’s look at the heart for example. There appears to be a link between infections and heart disease. In certain cases, chronic infections may cause inflammation such as arteriosclerosis (“narrowing of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque”) in your heart and make your heart age prematurely. Infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses or even parasites.

Yoga for heart health

Developed in India 3,000 years ago, yoga is a mind and body practice with historical origins in ancient Indian philosophy. Yoga helps create strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body. While there are more than 100 different types of yoga, typically sessions are comprised of breathing exercises, meditation and holding various postures (sometimes called asanas or poses) that stretch and flex various muscle groups. While holding a yoga pose, you focus inward. You try to become more mindful of your body, as well as to focus and quiet the mind.

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