Stress Eating is a Real Thing! Learn How You Can Be Proactive

I don’t know about you, but when I look back at my years as a student I’m appalled at the way I used to eat! Eating sweets and crunchy, savory foods (like potato chips) were “life-savers” when trying to pull an all-nighter or survive exam week. Yes - stress eating was a real thing!

Is Your Marriage Ruining Your Gut?

The importance of maintaining good gut health cannot be overstated. Our guts contain trillions of microbes (also called flora, bacteria or bugs). All these bugs that live in our guts make up the gut microbiome.

How Gisele Got Her Panic Attacks Under Control

She appeared to have it all: beauty, youth, the perfect body, fame, a-list celebrity boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio and a $25 million modeling contract with renowned lingerie brand Victoria’s Secret.

Kids Who Eat More Saturated Fats May Turn Out To Be Stressed Out Adults!

When it comes to being healthy, it is not just about being skinny. Aside from body weight, a high fat diet may have a major psychological impact on young people - especially adolescents.

It May Be Good to Be a Bit Salty

You are probably familiar with how uncomfortable it is to get salt in your eye or in an open cut on your body. So if I were to suggest you try salt therapy, you might be a bit hesitant if you do not know what it entails.

Headache 101: Advice That Won’t Hurt Your Head

The dreaded headache. We all get them from time to time, especially if we are under stress or maybe a little dehydrated. Headaches are so common, we usually write them off as no big deal.

Are Churchgoers Healthier?

You probably go to your doctor, or maybe even Google, for health-related questions and concerns. But did you know that your local church may be a great vehicle for delivering health information and benefits to the communities they serve? For people who regularly attend church, it is a natural point of reference, a place of trust, comfort and consistency.

Don't Stress, but Eating Certain Fish May Be the Cause of Your Hypertension

Typically, hypertension is diagnosed by measuring your blood pressure. A doctor may take many blood pressure readings over time to determine whether you have hypertension. And if the readings fall within a certain range, you may be diagnosed as hypertensive and perhaps prescribed medications to treat the hypertension.

Increase Workplace Wellness to Decrease Workplace Violence

The recent killing in Orlando of five people by a disgruntled former employee is a tragic reminder that workplace violence remains a real and increasing threat to America’s workforce. According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), approximately two million workers are victims of workplace violence every year, and this number is increasing. Even more alarming is that homicide is the fourth-leading cause of workplace deaths. In addition to the unnecessary tragedies of people losing their family members and loved ones, estimates put the total economic cost of workplace violence at more than $55 billion.

Is The White House Impacting Your Health? Here is How You Can Be Proactive

Since the election, there’s some evidence that many Americans have experienced an increase in fear and anxiety. Two-thirds of adults say they’re stressed about the future of the United States, according to a report from The New England Journal of Medicine.

Reduce your risk of cardiac arrest today by knowing these simple things

Your doctor may have told you that if you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and you’re overweight, you may get heart disease down the road. But most of the time, you have no idea when sudden cardiac arrest will strike.

Why those with busy brains may be at risk for weight gain and how to stop it

Feel like you are always hungry? Science may finally have an answer. Turns out, a busy brain can lead to feelings of hunger, which can lead to weight gain if you don’t realize what’s going on. Think back to your college years. Those late night papers and study cram sessions likely helped you gain your requisite freshman 15.

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