Simple tips for managing diabetes at work

If you have diabetes, you know it can seem like you have two jobs — your regular one, and all your duties managing medications and blood sugars, not to mention doctor’s appointments. But your paid work might be causing you to take two steps forward and one step back in your diabetes care. Think about it. How often have the following scenarios applied to you?

Stressed about stress?

Stress is a part of everyday life, and you’re expected to be able to handle it, whether it’s at work or at home. But how much stress is too much stress? And is there a way to objectively measure your stress levels? Let’s take a closer look to find out.

Man up: Boost T naturally

Many middle-aged men consider taking testosterone – or simply T – when they want to turn back their biological clocks to recapture the feeling of youthfulness that comes with increased muscle strength, libido, exercise tolerance, and stamina. Testosterone has become increasingly popular in the last decade. Doctors wrote more than 5.3 million prescriptions for testosterone therapy in 2011 alone – that’s five times as many as in 2000, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Beating stubborn body odor

You bathe every day and wear deodorant, but you still can’t help feeling a little self-conscious. “Is that smell coming from me?!” Instead of just trying to find new ways to cover the bad odor, take a look at some of the potential reasons for it. There may be an underlying health condition you weren’t aware of.

Who said chocolate is a guilty pleasure?

The world seemed to rejoice when dark chocolate was pronounced a “healthy” food. Finally, after decades of every edible pleasure being slapped with a “DO NOT EAT” sign, we have something that’s delicious, luxurious, has a little caffeine and might prevent heart attacks.

Paw-some ways dogs make you healthier

Many people own dogs, cats, and other small animals. But few people truly understand how beneficial our furry friends actually are to our overall health and wellbeing. Studies dating back to the 1980s have endorsed the positive health benefits of pet ownership.

Proactive hospitals opt for antibiotic-free meats

Recently, as I was waiting in a hospital lobby, an article in their newsletter caught my eye. It said that they are now serving antibiotic-free meats in their cafeteria. I was elated! Why? Because by serving antibiotic-free meats, the hospital may very well reduce the likelihood of its patients developing a resistance to antibiotics.

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